"na" 在 R 和 ggplot2 的条形图中排列条形时出现问题

Issue with "na" in arranging the bars in a bar plot in R and ggplot2

我正在尝试使用 ggplot2 和 R 中的 plotly 创建一个降序条形图。我使用的数据是 "a12",它由 ggplot 在“#Final Data frame is consumed below below”行下使用".

如果您看到下面的快照,"a1" 列中的 "na" 值应该出现在图中的第二个位置,但是它不遵循降序,而是被推到最后的。

解决这个问题的一种方法是硬编码那里的值,但我不想那样做。相反,有没有一种方法可以使 "na" 遵循顺序而无需对任何值进行硬编码?

注意:请不要修改“#Final Data frame is consumed below”这一行以上的数据。我正在处理的实际数据实际上采用相同的格式。请帮忙。

a1 = c("A","","B","C","D","F")
b1 = c(165,154,134,110,94,78)
a12 = data.frame(a1,b1)
a12[2, 1] = "NA"

#Final Data frame is consumed below
pp1 <<- ggplot(a12 , 
               aes(x = reorder(a1, -b1), 
                   y = b1,
                   text = paste("User: <br>", a1, "<br> Days: <br>", round(b1)))) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#3399ff" ) + 
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Time") + 
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Employee") 

ggplotly(pp1, tooltip="text", height = 392)


a1 = c("A",NA,"B","C","D","F")
b1 = c(165,154,134,110,94,78)
a12 = data.frame(a1,b1,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pp1 <<- ggplot(a12 , aes(x = reorder(a1,-b1), y = b1,text=paste("User: 
<br>",a1, "<br> Days: <br>", round(b1)))) + 
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#3399ff" ) + scale_y_continuous(name 
="Time") + scale_x_discrete(name ="Employee") 
ggplotly(pp1, tooltip="text",height = 392)

为了按照您想要的方式排列条形,不应有缺失值,即 NA,在 df$a1 中。我们不知何故需要替换那个缺失的值。


pp1 <- ggplot(data = replace_na(a12, replace = list(a1 = "NA")),
                      aes(x = reorder(a1, -b1),
                          y = b1,
                          text = paste("User: <br>", a1, "<br> Days: <br>", round(b1)))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#3399ff") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Time") +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Employee")

ggplotly(pp1, tooltip = "text",height = 392)
