Unity - Photon OnJoinedRoom 未被调用

Unity - Photon OnJoinedRoom not being called

我正在使用 photon 为 android 制作 FPS 游戏。 这是代码:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SceneLoaderButton : Photon.PunBehaviour {

    public string roomName, mapNameGL, password;

    public GameObject loadingPan;

    public MenuRooms menuManager;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {

        Button btn = GetComponent<Button> ();
        btn.onClick.AddListener (ConnectCustomRoom);


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {


    void ConnectCustomRoom(){

        string room = roomName;

        RoomInfo[] ri;
        ri = PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList ();

        bool correct = false;

        string passwd, mapName = "";
        passwd = password;

        foreach (RoomInfo info in ri) {
            if (info.name == room) {
                if (info.customProperties ["Password"].ToString() == passwd) {
                    print(info.playerCount + "/" + info.maxPlayers);
                    if (info.playerCount < info.maxPlayers)
                        correct = true;
                        menuManager.error("No room for you");
                    mapName = info.customProperties ["MapName"].ToString ();
                    menuManager.error("Incorrect password");
        mapNameGL = mapName;

        if (correct) {
            loadingPan.active = !loadingPan.active;
            PhotonNetwork.playerName = "Player" + UnityEngine.Random.Range (1000,9999).ToString();

    void OnJoinedRoom()
        print("Joined room: " + roomName);
        //We joined room, load respective map

这是来自按钮的代码。它被实例化并且应该加入房间,然后加载场景。在其他脚本中,"onjoinedroom" 回调有效,即使我继承自 Photon.MonoBehaveiour,而不是 PUNBehaveiour。怎么了?

根据 PUN 文档,它是一个虚拟成员,因此您可以覆盖该方法。


override void OnJoinedRoom ()
//your codes
public override void OnJoinedRoom ()
//your codes

This class provides a .photonView and all callbacks/events that PUN can call. Override the events/methods you want to use. By extending this class, you can implement individual methods as override.


参考: PUN Documentation