X25519 是否可用作 Android 中 KEX 的曲线?

Is X25519 available as curve for KEX in Android?

例如,我从 SSLHandshakeException: Handshake failed on Android N/7.0 and my own experience that this curve is not available in the system crypto lib for Android up to 7.1.2 (though it is available in Android web browsers such as Chrom{e,ium} or Firefox and its derivative, as you can read in Android - SSL/TLS and ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography) 知道)。

我的问题是它是否被添加到 Android 8.x 上,在后一种情况下,您知道为什么它不受支持吗?

虽然我没有关于 Android 8.0 Oreo 的明确答案,但我可以肯定地说 X25519 在测试后可用于 Android 8.1 中的 KEX。