在保持透明背景的同时调整 HBITMAP 的大小

Resizing HBITMAP while keeping transparent background

我有一个加载透明背景图像的应用程序,然后我使用 StretchBlt 将其调整为所需的大小,使用 SetStretchBltMode 设置 HALFTONE(我试过使用其他模式,在保持透明度不变的同时,也使调整后的图像看起来 'ugly').
但是,StretchBlt 将透明背景替换为不适合显示图像的 window 背景的颜色(黑色)。

1) 用window的背景颜色替换图片的透明背景,然后使用StretchBlt
调整大小 2) 在保持背景透明度的同时调整它的大小(首选选项)

我尝试寻找可提供任一功能的 WinAPI 函数,但我发现 none.

我如何使用普通 WinAPI 执行这些选项中的任何一个(替换透明度或在保持透明度的同时调整其大小)?

首先,BitBltStretchBltTransparentBlt 不支持 alpha 通道..

TransparentBlt 通过使您想要的任何指定颜色透明来工作。

如果您想要 Alpha 通道和混合支持,您需要:AlphaBlend


fnc.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
fnc.BlendFlags = 0;
fnc.SourceConstantAlpha = 0xFF;
fnc.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;

//You need to create a memDC.. and an HBITMAP..

//Select the hBitmap into the memDC.
HGDIOBJ obj = SelectObject(memDC, hBmp);

//Render with alpha blending..
AlphaBlend(DC, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, memDC, 0, 0, Width, Height, fnc);

//Restore the memDC to original state..
SelectObject(memDC, obj);

或者通过自己计算通道颜色来进行自己的预乘 alpha 渲染..

或者,您可以尝试 GDI+,看看结果如何:

ULONG_PTR GdiImage::GDIToken = 0;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput GdiImage::GDIStartInput = NULL;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&GdiImage::GDIToken, &GdiImage::GDIStartInput, NULL);

Gdiplus::Image* Img = Gdiplus::Image::FromFile(L"PathToImage.ext"); //where ext can be png, bmp, etc..

Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(DC);
graphics.SetInterpolationMode(Gdiplus:: InterpolationModeBilinear); //InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor
graphics.DrawImage(Img, x, y, w, h);

delete Img;
GdiImage::GDIStartInput = NULL;
GdiImage::GDIToken = 0;

I tried looking for WinAPI function that would provide either functionality, but I found none.

虽然其他人已经给出了一些建议,但据我所知 none 当前 (12/2017) 可用的原生 OS APIs 提供 high-质量 图像重采样。


在下面的示例中,我使用的是 public 域、单头文件、无外部依赖性 "stb_image_resize.h" 库。只需 #include 它在您的项目中并完成它。该库不是最快的,但我不会说它特别慢。它的亮点在于易用性和多功能性。它也很容易扩展,如果你想要像 Lanczos 这样的额外过滤器(如果有兴趣,我可以提供代码)。尽管内置过滤器已经比 OS APIs.


以下示例程序 期望在当前目录的文件"flower.bmp" 中找到带有alpha 通道(非预乘)的32 bpp 位图。 使用 OS API LoadImageW() 加载图像,使用 stbir_resize_uint8() 重新采样到原始尺寸的三分之一,并使用 GDI+ 在当前目录中存储为 "flower_resized.bmp" .

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <gdiplus.h>
#pragma comment( lib, "gdiplus" )
namespace gp = Gdiplus;

#include "stb_image_resize.h"

int main()
    // Using LR_CREATEDIBSECTION flag to get direct access to the bitmap's pixel data. 
    HBITMAP hBmpIn = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(
        LoadImageW( NULL, L"flower.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 
    if( !hBmpIn )
        std::cout << "Failed to load bitmap.\n";
        return 1;

    // Getting bitmap information including a pointer to the bitmap's pixel data 
    // in infoIn.dsBm.bmBits.
    // This will fail if hBmpIn is not a DIB. In this case you may call GetDIBits() 
    // to get a copy of the bitmap's pixel data instead.
    DIBSECTION infoIn{};
    if( !GetObject( hBmpIn, sizeof( infoIn ), &infoIn ) )
        std::cout << "Bitmap is not a DIB.\n";
        return 1;

    // Some sanity checks of the input image.
    if( infoIn.dsBm.bmBitsPixel != 32 || infoIn.dsBm.bmPlanes != 1 ||
        infoIn.dsBmih.biCompression != BI_RGB )
        std::cout << "Bitmap is not 32 bpp uncompressed.\n";
        return 1;

    // Create a DIB for the output. We receive a HBITMAP aswell as a writable 
    // pointer to the bitmap pixel data.
    int out_w = infoIn.dsBm.bmWidth / 3, out_h = infoIn.dsBm.bmHeight / 3;
    BITMAPINFO infoOut{};
    auto& hdr = infoOut.bmiHeader;
    hdr.biSize = sizeof(hdr);
    hdr.biBitCount = 32;
    hdr.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    hdr.biWidth = out_w;
    hdr.biHeight = out_h;  // negate the value to create top-down bitmap
    hdr.biPlanes = 1;
    unsigned char* pOutPixels = nullptr;
    HBITMAP hBmpOut = CreateDIBSection( NULL, &infoOut, DIB_RGB_COLORS, 
        reinterpret_cast<void**>( &pOutPixels ), NULL, 0 );
    if( !hBmpOut )
        std::cout << "Could not create output bitmap.\n";
        return 1;

    // Resample the input bitmap using the simplest API. 
    // These functions use a "default" resampling filter defined at compile time 
    // (currently "Mitchell" for downsampling and "Catmull-Rom" for upsampling). 
    // To change the filter, you can change the compile-time defaults 
    // or you can use the medium-complexity API.
    // Consult "stb_image_resize.h" which contains the documentation.

        reinterpret_cast< unsigned char const* >( infoIn.dsBm.bmBits ), 
        0,  // input_stride_in_bytes, 0 = packed continously in memory
        0,  // output_stride_in_bytes, 0 = packed continously in memory
        4   // num_channels

    // Use GDI+ for saving the resized image to disk.

    gp::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
    ULONG_PTR gdipToken = 0;
    gp::GdiplusStartup( &gdipToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, nullptr );

        gp::Bitmap bmpOut( hBmpOut, nullptr );
        // I'm taking a shortcut here by hardcoding the encoder CLSID. Check MSDN to do it by-the-book:
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms533843(v=vs.85).aspx
        class __declspec(uuid("{557cf400-1a04-11d3-9a73-0000f81ef32e}")) BmpEncoderId;
        bmpOut.Save( L"flower_resized.bmp", &__uuidof(BmpEncoderId) );

    // Cleanup
    gp::GdiplusShutdown( gdipToken );
    DeleteObject( hBmpIn );
    DeleteObject( hBmpOut );

    std::cout << "All done.\n";

    return 0;


重采样透明图像时,通常建议使用 premultiplied alpha channel。否则,重新采样的图像可能会有伪影,通常沿着形状的边缘很明显。 STBIR 将使用 "alpha-weighted resampling"(有效预乘、重采样,然后取消预乘),除非您指定 STBIR_FLAG_ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED 标志。因此,在加载图像后手动预乘一次时,您将获得性能优势。大多数可以显示透明图像的Windows APIs(如AlphaBlend),期望alpha 通道无论如何都被预乘。