将参数传递给 scalameta paradise 宏

Passing parameters to scalameta paradise macro


class ToPojo(param1: String, param2: String) extends StaticAnnotation {
  inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {


@ToPojo("p1", "p2")
case class Entity(a: Int, m: Map[Long, Boolean])

上面代码的问题是 Entity 到达 applydefn 已经删除了注释 - 因此我无法从那里获取参数。此外,param1param2 字段无法从 apply 方法访问,因为它是内联的。

你能告诉我使用 scala meta 克服这个问题的最简单方法吗?我考虑过使用两个注释

@ToPojoParams("p1", "p2")
case class Entity(a: Int, m: Map[Long, Boolean])



How do I pass an argument to the macro annotation? 部分

下的 ScalaMeta Paradise 描述中所述

You match on this as a Scalameta tree

package scalaworld.macros

import scala.meta._

class Argument(arg: Int) extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation {
  inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
    // `this` is a scala.meta tree.
    val arg = this match {
      // The argument needs to be a literal like `1` or a string like `"foobar"`.
      // You can't pass in a variable name.
      case q"new $_(${Lit.Int(arg)})" => arg
      // Example if you have more than one argument.
      case q"new $_(${Lit.Int(arg)}, ${Lit.String(foo)})" => arg
      case _ => ??? // default value
    println(s"Arg is $arg")


package examples

import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.meta._

class MyMacro(p1: String, p2: Int) extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation {

  inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
    val params = Params.extractParams(this)
    //some implementation


case class Params(p1: String, p2: Int) {
  def update(name: String, value: Any): Params = name match {
    case "p1" => copy(p1 = value.asInstanceOf[String])
    case "p2" => copy(p2 = value.asInstanceOf[Int])
    case _ => ???

object Params {
  private val paramsNames = List("p1", "p2")

  def extractParams(tree: Stat): Params = {
    val args: immutable.Seq[Term.Arg] = tree.asInstanceOf[Term.New].templ.parents.head.asInstanceOf[Term.Apply].args

    args.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Params(null, 0))((acc, argAndIndex) => argAndIndex._1 match {
      case q"${Lit(value)}" => acc.update(paramsNames(argAndIndex._2), value)
      case q"${Term.Arg.Named(name, Lit(value))}" => acc.update(name.value, value)