为什么并行执行 Tcl_ExprDouble 的独立 Tcl 解释器需要互斥量?

Why do independent Tcl interpreters executing Tcl_ExprDouble in parallel require a mutex?

我写了一个简单的 class,它在 Tcl 中包装了一个回调。它管理自己的 Tcl 解释器并将 Tcl 命令存储为字符串。 go 方法将字符串提供给解释器并 returns 结果。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <future>
#include <tcl.h>

class Tcl_callback {
  std::string callback;
  Tcl_Interp *local_interp;

  Tcl_callback(std::string c): 

  ~Tcl_callback() {Tcl_DeleteInterp(local_interp);}

  Tcl_callback(const Tcl_callback & c):
    local_interp(Tcl_CreateInterp()) {}

  double go() {
    std::cout << "going..." << std::endl;
    double resultValue;
    int resultCode;
    resultCode = Tcl_ExprDouble(local_interp, callback.c_str(), &resultValue);
    if (resultCode != TCL_OK) {
      throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: failed evaluation of the expression: \"" + callback + "\"\n  " + Tcl_GetStringResult(local_interp));
    return resultValue;

我已经用一个简单的 main 测试了它,它允许在并行和串行执行之间切换:

#define PARALLEL

int main() {
  const int n_callbacks = 100;
  const int n_iter = 10;

  std::vector<Tcl_callback> cs(n_callbacks, Tcl_callback("sqrt(123)"));

  for (int i = 0; i < n_iter; i++) {
  #ifdef PARALLEL
    std::vector<std::future<double>> fs;
    for (auto & c: cs) {
      fs.push_back( std::async(std::launch::async,[&](){return c.go();}) );
    for (auto & f: fs) {
      std::cout << f.get() << std::endl;
    for (auto & c: cs) {
      std::cout << c.go() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "done" << std::endl;
  return 0;


std::mutex m; //at global scope
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m); //inside the go method


问题是 Tcl_Interp 只能从创建它的线程访问(例如,通过 Tcl_ExprDoubleTcl_DeleteInterp); Tcl 解释器的实现大量使用线程局部变量以避免持有全局锁。不幸的是,您在启动所有线程之前创建解释器,导致解释器跨线程使用,这是行不通的。

来自 documentation

The token returned by Tcl_CreateInterp may only be passed to Tcl routines called from the same thread as the original Tcl_CreateInterp call. It is not safe for multiple threads to pass the same token to Tcl's routines.

将代码更改为此(其中 Tcl_Interpgo 方法的范围内):

class Tcl_callback {
  std::string callback;

  Tcl_callback(std::string c):

  ~Tcl_callback() {}

  Tcl_callback(const Tcl_callback & c):
    callback(c.callback) {}

  double go() {
    std::cout << "going..." << std::endl;
    double resultValue;
    int resultCode;
    Tcl_Interp *interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
    resultCode = Tcl_ExprDouble(interp, callback.c_str(), &resultValue);
    if (resultCode != TCL_OK) {
      throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: failed evaluation of the expression: \"" + callback + "\"\n  " + Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
    return resultValue;

哪个效率低下会起作用(或者至少在我尝试时它会起作用)。我会让您弄清楚如何使用巧妙的方法来避免创建 相当 如此多的解释器! (我还将让您清理抛出异常情况下的潜在资源泄漏。这只是概念验证代码。)