Union-Find 实现不更新父标签

Union-Find implementation does not update parent tags

我正在尝试创建一些 String 集,然后合并其中一些集,以便它们具有相同的标签(usize 类型)。初始化地图后,我开始添加字符串:


当我调用 self.clusters.find("a")self.clusters.find("b") 时,返回了不同的值,这很好,因为我还没有合并集合。然后我调用下面的方法来合并两个集合

let _ = self.clusters.union("a", "b");

如果我现在调用 self.clusters.find("a")self.clusters.find("b"),我会得到相同的值。但是,当我调用 finalize() 方法并尝试遍历地图时,返回了原始标签,就好像我从未合并过集合一样。


for (address, tag) in &self.clusters.map {
    self.clusterizer_writer.write_all(format!("{};{}\n", address, 

// to output all keys with the same tag as a list. 
let a: Vec<(usize, Vec<String>)> = {
    let mut x = HashMap::new();
    for (k, v) in self.clusters.map.clone() {

我不明白为什么会这样,但我对 Rust 比较陌生;也许是指针的问题?

而不是 "a" 和 "b",我实际上使用的是类型 String.

之类的东西 utils::arr_to_hex(&input.outpoint.txid)

这是我正在使用的 Union-Find 算法的 Rust 实现:

/// Tarjan's Union-Find data structure.
#[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct DisjointSet<T: Clone + Hash + Eq> {
    set_size: usize,
    parent: Vec<usize>,
    rank: Vec<usize>,
    map: HashMap<T, usize>, // Each T entry is mapped onto a usize tag.

impl<T> DisjointSet<T>
    T: Clone + Hash + Eq,
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        const CAPACITY: usize = 1000000;
        DisjointSet {
            set_size: 0,
            parent: Vec::with_capacity(CAPACITY),
            rank: Vec::with_capacity(CAPACITY),
            map: HashMap::with_capacity(CAPACITY),

    pub fn make_set(&mut self, x: T) {
        if self.map.contains_key(&x) {

        let len = &mut self.set_size;
        self.map.insert(x, *len);

        *len += 1;

    /// Returns Some(num), num is the tag of subset in which x is.
    /// If x is not in the data structure, it returns None.
    pub fn find(&mut self, x: T) -> Option<usize> {
        let pos: usize;
        match self.map.get(&x) {
            Some(p) => {
                pos = *p;
            None => return None,

        let ret = DisjointSet::<T>::find_internal(&mut self.parent, pos);

    /// Implements path compression.
    fn find_internal(p: &mut Vec<usize>, n: usize) -> usize {
        if p[n] != n {
            let parent = p[n];
            p[n] = DisjointSet::<T>::find_internal(p, parent);
        } else {

    /// Union the subsets to which x and y belong.
    /// If it returns Ok<u32>, it is the tag for unified subset.
    /// If it returns Err(), at least one of x and y is not in the disjoint-set.
    pub fn union(&mut self, x: T, y: T) -> Result<usize, ()> {
        let x_root;
        let y_root;
        let x_rank;
        let y_rank;
        match self.find(x) {
            Some(x_r) => {
                x_root = x_r;
                x_rank = self.rank[x_root];
            None => {
                return Err(());

        match self.find(y) {
            Some(y_r) => {
                y_root = y_r;
                y_rank = self.rank[y_root];
            None => {
                return Err(());

        // Implements union-by-rank optimization.
        if x_root == y_root {
            return Ok(x_root);

        if x_rank > y_rank {
            self.parent[y_root] = x_root;
            return Ok(x_root);
        } else {
            self.parent[x_root] = y_root;
            if x_rank == y_rank {
                self.rank[y_root] += 1;
            return Ok(y_root);

    /// Forces all laziness, updating every tag.
    pub fn finalize(&mut self) {
        for i in 0..self.set_size {
            DisjointSet::<T>::find_internal(&mut self.parent, i);

我认为您只是没有正确地从 DisjointSet 结构中提取信息。

我由此获得了 sniped 并实现了联合查找。首先,使用基本的 usize 实现:

pub struct UnionFinderImpl {
    parent: Vec<usize>,


pub struct UnionFinder<T: Hash> {
    rev: Vec<Rc<T>>,
    fwd: HashMap<Rc<T>, usize>,
    uf: UnionFinderImpl,

两个结构都实现了一个 groups() 方法,该方法 returns 一个 Vec<Vec<>> 组。 Clone 不是必需的,因为我使用了 Rc
