Amazon VPC 子网和 IP

Amazon VPC Subnet and IP

这个问题是给 AWS 工程师的。我正在阅读有关 AWS VPC 的信息。它说 VPC 对等允许将 1 个子网连接到另一个 VPC 内的另一个子网。它还说,两个子网上的实例都像在 1 个子网上一样工作。那么问题来了,"what happens if the IPs on both instances were identical?"他们会不会冲突?如果不是,我如何区分哪个是哪个?



来自VPC Peering

A VPC peering connection is a networking connection between two VPCs that enables you to route traffic between them privately. Instances in either VPC can communicate with each other as if they are within the same network. You can create a VPC peering connection between your own VPCs, with a VPC in another AWS account, or with a VPC in a different AWS Region.

VPC Peering 是两个 VPC(不是两个子网)之间的连接。 VPC对等的规则之一是两个VPC的IP地址范围不能重叠。因此,问题中描述的情况不可能发生。

来自Invalid VPC Peering Connection Configurations

You cannot create a VPC peering connection between VPCs with matching or overlapping IPv4 CIDR blocks.

If the VPCs have multiple IPv4 CIDR blocks, you cannot create a VPC peering connection if any of the CIDR blocks overlap (regardless of whether you intend to use the VPC peering connection for communication between the non-overlapping CIDR blocks only).

建立 VPC 对等连接后,需要修改路由表以通过 VPC 对等连接路由流量。可以只修改特定子网的路由表,因此可以将其视为仅对等单个子网,但需要以这种方式进行专门配置。 (这实际上是一个常见的用例,因此每个 VPC 中只有一个子网是对等的,充当一种 DMZ 以增加安全性。)