如何使用继承在已定义的 odoo 模型的选择字段中添加一个条目

How to add one more entry in selection field of an already defined odoo model using inheritance

环境:- Odoo 9,Python 2.7

模块 A

from openerp import models, fields, api, _, exceptions

class Games(models.Model):
    _name = 'moduleA.games'

    game = fields.Selection([
       ('cricket', 'Cricket'),
       ('hockey', 'Hockey'),
       ('golf', 'Golf')], 
       string='Game', default='cricket', required=True

模块 B

from openerp import models, fields, api, _, exceptions

class ExtraGames(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'moduleA.games'

    def __init__(self, pool, cr):
        res = super(ExtraGames,self)._columns # res = {}
            ('chess', 'Chess')

现在使用该代码,我想在已经定义的游戏列表中再添加一个游戏 Chess,但它不起作用。实际上,由于 super(ExtraGames,self)._columns,我得到了空字典 ( {} ),因此它给出了 KeyError 'game'


您可以使用 selection_add:

from openerp import fields, models

class ExtraGames(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'moduleA.games'

    game = fields.Selection(
        selection_add=[('chess', 'Chess')],