在 root 上使用 not-found-route 的 react-router

react-router with not-found-route on root

我想在 root 上创建一个未找到的页面 (404),但似乎运气不好。

使用 react-route

var routes = (
    <Route handler={App}>

        <Route name="inbox" handler={Inbox}>
          <Route name="message" path=":messageId" handler={Message}/>
          <DefaultRoute handler={InboxStats}/>

        <Route name="calendar" handler={Calendar}/>
        <DefaultRoute handler={Dashboard}/>


< DefaultRoute /> 会显示在 App 里面,App 仍然会显示 link。我只想单独查看未找到的页面 (404)。你将如何实现这一目标?

ps。使 DefaultRoute 与根 Route 处于同一级别会产生抱怨 =(


<NotFoundRoute> 个处理程序:

<Route name="app" path="/" handler={App}>

  <Route name="inbox" handler={Inbox}>
      <Route name="message" path=":messageId" handler={Message}/>
      <DefaultRoute handler={InboxStats}/>
  <NotFoundRoute handler={NotFound}/>


When a parent's URL partially matches, but none of the children do, a NotFoundRoute will be matched and its handler activated at any level of your route hierarchy.


我添加了一个仅包含 RouteHandler 的根目录(替换了 {App} )

/not-found -> goes to not found page (because root has no menu)  
/main -> redirect to /main/inbox (main contains menu)  
/main/inbox -> goes to inbox view
/main/inbox/44 -> goes to message #44


<Route path="/" handler={Root}>
    <Route name="main" handler={Main}>
        <Route name="inbox handler={Inbox}>
            <Route path=":messageId" handler={Message}/>
    <NotFoundRoute handler={NotFound}/>


/not-found -> goes to not found page (because root has no menu)   
/inbox -> goes to inbox view
/inbox/44 -> goes to message #44


我想我现在必须解决这个问题 =(

要获得所需的映射,您可以删除 name="main" 使其成为默认路由:

<Route path="/" handler={Root}>
    <Route handler={Main}>
        <Route name="inbox" handler={Inbox}>
            <Route path=":messageId" handler={Message}/>
    <NotFoundRoute handler={NotFound}/>


DefaultRouteNotFoundRoute 在 react-router 1.0.0 中被移除。

要显示 404 页面并保留 url(如 NotFoundRoute 那样):

<Route path='*' component={My404Page} />

要显示 404 页面但更改 url(如 DefaultRoute 那样):

<Route path='/404' component={My404Page} />
<Redirect from='*' to='/404' />