3d 多人游戏中的 FPS 差异

FPS difference in 3d multiplayer games

我正在使用 Unity 开发 3d 手机游戏,我已经到了需要编写多人游戏部分的地步。我用 node.js/socket.io 编写了所有匹配等,但我在游戏部分遇到了问题。问题是;每当用户移动时,他都会将自己的位置传输给其他用户。但是尽管服务器非常强大(4 GHz cpu,16 GB 内存),但用户并没有像在单人游戏中那样移动(我的意思是 AI 移动)。它们似乎滑动了几帧,这使得它们的移动不如我预期的那么流畅。我对可能导致这种情况的原因有一些想法,例如 FPS 差异。由于其中一个用户的发射速度可能比其他用户慢,因为他们之间的 FPS 差异。有什么想法可以解决这个问题吗?

这有点取决于您在 Clients/Server 之间传输数据的准确程度。
(这里假设你只使用 Unity 的网络而不是框架)


transform.position = X.Yf;


transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(actualPosition, receivedPosition, Time.deltaTime * interpolationRate);

我不太喜欢 Unity 的 NetworkTransform - 因为我没能让它顺利运行。所以我写了自己的同步脚本(当然做了很多谷歌搜索;))


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class CustomNetworkTransform : NetworkBehaviour 
    /* If we are not the localPlayer we will save here
     * the last received Position to which we are actually moving.
     * (see below in the transmition part) */
    private Vector3 _lastReceivedPosition = Vector3.zero;

    /*          THE RECEIVING PART                 */

    /* The interpolation rate. You have to tweak this maybe
     * but 15 seemed a good value so far */
    private float _interpolationRate = 15.0f;

    private void Update()
        /* I used hasAuthority here instead of isLocalPlayer
         * so it works with a Host-Clients
         * setup as well as with a Client-Server-Clients one.
        if (hasAuthority) return;


    private void ReceiveData()
        InterpolatePosition(_lastReceivedPosition, Time.deltaTime * _interpolationRate);

    private void InterpolatePosition(Vector3 receivedPosition, float factor)
        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, receivedPosition, factor);

    /* That's already all for the receiving Part. Maybe that already
     * Fits your need. Down here I anyway add the way how I transmit stuff. Maybe it helps you to understand better the way Networking works in Unity.

    /*          THE TRANSMITION PART               */

    /* To save a bit of Bandwidth we use this as a treshold 
     * If you whish you can set this also to 0 */
    [Tooltip("The Accuracy of synchronized Positions")]
    private float _positionAccuracy = 0.05f;

    /* Make a forced Transmition every x seconds 
     * also if nothing was changed */
    private float _forcedSyncTimeout = 2.0f;

    /* Counter for the forced transmition 
     * I set it to 0 at the beginning to have an instant 
     * sync when connecting. */
    private float _timeout = 0;

    /* Wel'll compare the actual position to this one and only 
     * sync, if the distance is bigger than the _positionAccuracy */
    private Vector3 _lastTransmittedPosition = Vector3.zero;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        /* again here I use hasAuthority instead of
         * isLocalPlayer so it works in both connection designs */
        if (!hasAuthority) return;


        _timeout-= Time.deltaTime;

        if (_timeout > 0) return;


        _timeout = _forcedSyncTimeout;

    /* This is the forced transmition 
     * which doesn't check for changes */
    private void TransmitData()

    /* This is the normal transmition which checks 
     * if changes are big enough before transmitting */
    private void TransmitChangedData()
        if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _lastTransmittedPosition) > _positionAccuracy)
            _lastTransmittedPosition = transform.position;

    /* NOTE: for the transmition I don't use SyncVar 
     * but rather a 3-Step Syncronization:
     * 1. Client transmits data to Server
     * 2. Server transmits data to all Clients
     * 3. All other Clients receive and interpolate the position 
     * I felt more comfortable doing this to have 
     * more freedom and better debug options. 
     * This will also do all the interpolations on the server as well
     * so it can be used e.g. to observe. */

    //STEP 1.
     * Only performed on clients
    private void TransmitPositionToServer(Vector3 value)

    //STEP 2.
     * Invoced from the client but only performed on the server
    private void CmdPushPositionToServer(Vector3 value)
        _lastReceivedPosition = value;

    //STEP 3.
     * Invoced from the server but only performed on all the client
    private void RpcProvidePositionToClients(Vector3 value)
        /* This value is also set on the originally sending client
         * but it doesn't matter since we don't move this client
         * because he has the local authority (see Update() )*/
        _lastReceivedPosition = value;

