phpwepay 支付成功后的重定向问题

redirect issue after wepay payment success in php



try { 
    $data['checkout']= $wepay->request('/checkout/create', array(
            'account_id' => $account_id, // ID of the account that you want the money to go to
            'amount' => 1, // dollar amount you want to charge the user
             'currency' => 'USD',
            'short_description' => "this is a test payment", // a short description of what the payment is for
            'type' => "goods", // the type of the payment - choose from GOODS SERVICE DONATION or PERSONAL              
    // print_r($data['checkout']);
} catch (WePayException $e) { // if the API call returns an error, get the error message for display later
    $data['error'] = $e->getMessage();


$data['checkout']= $wepay->request('/checkout/create', array(
        'account_id' => $account_id, // ID of the account that you want the money to go to
        'amount' => 1, // dollar amount you want to charge the user
         'currency' => 'USD',
        'short_description' => "this is a test payment", // a short description of what the payment is for
        'type' => "goods", // the type of the payment - choose from GOODS SERVICE DONATION or PERSONAL
        'redirect_uri' => "", // the url for redirect



您需要使用hosted_checkout结构。这仅在您使用 WePay iFrame or Hosted page 处理付款时有效。

$data['checkout']= $wepay->request('/checkout/create', array(
        'account_id' => $account_id,
        'amount' => 1,
        'currency' => 'USD',
        'short_description' => "this is a test payment",
        'type' => "goods", 
        'hosted_checkout' => array( // hosted checkout structure
           'redirect_uri' => "" // the url for redirect