运行 Powershell 作为管理员使用 Terminal Sublime Text 3
Run Powershell as administrator with Terminal Sublime Text 3
如何在 Sublime Text 3 中 运行 PowerShell 作为管理员使用 Terminal?
// The command to execute for the terminal, leave blank for the OS default
// See https://github.com/wbond/sublime_terminal#examples for examples
"terminal": "",
// A list of default parameters to pass to the terminal, this can be
// overridden by passing the "parameters" key with a list value to the args
// dict when calling the "open_terminal" or "open_terminal_project_folder"
// commands
"parameters": [],
// An environment variables changeset. Default environment variables used for the
// terminal are inherited from sublime. Use this mapping to overwrite/unset. Use
// null value to indicate that the environment variable should be unset.
"env": {}
"Wouldn’t it be great if Sublime allowed you to run bash or PowerShell from its popup terminal?"
选项 1: 运行 Sublime Text 作为管理员。由终端插件启动的进程也将在管理员用户下 运行。小心——第三方插件也有管理员权限。
选项 2: 配置终端插件以启动新的 PowerShell 实例,运行作为管理员:
"terminal": "powershell.exe",
"parameters": [
"-WindowStyle", "Hidden",
"-Command", "Start-Process", "-Verb", "RunAs", "powershell.exe",
"-ArgumentList", "'-NoExit', '-Command', Set-Location, \"'$PWD'\""
此配置启动一个命令,以管理员用户身份重新启动 PowerShell。我们手动重置工作目录,因为新实例在不同的进程中启动 space。启用 UAC 后,我们需要在出现提升权限的 UAC 提示符中确认执行。如果需要,我们可以 disable the prompt 为特定程序。
如何在 Sublime Text 3 中 运行 PowerShell 作为管理员使用 Terminal?
// The command to execute for the terminal, leave blank for the OS default
// See https://github.com/wbond/sublime_terminal#examples for examples
"terminal": "",
// A list of default parameters to pass to the terminal, this can be
// overridden by passing the "parameters" key with a list value to the args
// dict when calling the "open_terminal" or "open_terminal_project_folder"
// commands
"parameters": [],
// An environment variables changeset. Default environment variables used for the
// terminal are inherited from sublime. Use this mapping to overwrite/unset. Use
// null value to indicate that the environment variable should be unset.
"env": {}
"Wouldn’t it be great if Sublime allowed you to run bash or PowerShell from its popup terminal?"
选项 1: 运行 Sublime Text 作为管理员。由终端插件启动的进程也将在管理员用户下 运行。小心——第三方插件也有管理员权限。
选项 2: 配置终端插件以启动新的 PowerShell 实例,运行作为管理员:
"terminal": "powershell.exe",
"parameters": [
"-WindowStyle", "Hidden",
"-Command", "Start-Process", "-Verb", "RunAs", "powershell.exe",
"-ArgumentList", "'-NoExit', '-Command', Set-Location, \"'$PWD'\""
此配置启动一个命令,以管理员用户身份重新启动 PowerShell。我们手动重置工作目录,因为新实例在不同的进程中启动 space。启用 UAC 后,我们需要在出现提升权限的 UAC 提示符中确认执行。如果需要,我们可以 disable the prompt 为特定程序。