Wait promise inside for loop
let currentProduct;
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
currentProduct = products[i];
.then((subs) => {
update(subs, currentProduct);
我正在使用 bluebird,方法 getAll 和 update return 承诺。我怎么能说"Wait until the two promises return, then update the currentProduct value"?我对 JS 很陌生...
如果您可以使用 async
// Make sure that this code is inside a function declared using
// the `async` keyword.
let currentProduct;
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
currentProduct = products[i];
// By using await, the code will halt here until
// the promise resolves, then it will go to the
// next iteration...
await subscription.getAll(products[i]._id)
.then((subs) => {
// Make sure to return your promise here...
return update(subs, currentProduct);
// You could also avoid the .then by using two awaits:
const subs = await subscription.getAll(products[i]._id);
await update(subs, currentProduct);
或者如果你只能使用简单的承诺,你可以遍历你所有的产品,并将每个承诺放在最后一个循环的 .then
let currentProduct;
let promiseChain = Promise.resolve();
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
currentProduct = products[i];
// Note that there is a scoping issue here, since
// none of the .then code runs till the loop completes,
// you need to pass the current value of `currentProduct`
// into the chain manually, to avoid having its value
// changed before the .then code accesses it.
const makeNextPromise = (currentProduct) => () => {
// Make sure to return your promise here.
return subscription.getAll(products[i]._id)
.then((subs) => {
// Make sure to return your promise here.
return update(subs, currentProduct);
// Note that we pass the value of `currentProduct` into the
// function to avoid it changing as the loop iterates.
promiseChain = promiseChain.then(makeNextPromise(currentProduct))
在第二个片段中,循环只是设置了整个链,但不会立即执行 .then
中的代码。您的 getAll
函数不会 运行 直到每个先前的函数依次解析(这就是您想要的)。
for (let product of products) {
let subs = await subscription.getAll(product._id);
await update(subs, product);
异步 "loop" 可以是一个递归函数:
const updateProducts = /* add async */async (products,processed=[]) => {
return processed;
const subs = await subscription.getAll(products[0]._id)
await update(subs, product);
throw [err,processed];
return await updateProducts(products.slice(1),processed);
//using reduce
const updateProducts = (products) => {
//keep track of processed id's
const processed = [];
return products.reduce(
.then(subs=>update(subs, product))
//add product id to processed product ids
//resolve with processed product id's
//when rejecting include the processed items
//using recursion
const updateProducts = (products,processed=[]) =>
? subscription.getAll(products[0]._id)
.then(subs=>update(subs, product))
//add product id to processed
//reject with error and id's of processed products
: processed//resolve with array of processed product ids
调用 updateProducts 的方法如下:
.then(processed=>console.log("Following products are updated.",processed))
"something went wrong:",err,
"following were processed until something went wrong:",
let currentProduct;
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
currentProduct = products[i];
.then((subs) => {
update(subs, currentProduct);
我正在使用 bluebird,方法 getAll 和 update return 承诺。我怎么能说"Wait until the two promises return, then update the currentProduct value"?我对 JS 很陌生...
如果您可以使用 async
// Make sure that this code is inside a function declared using
// the `async` keyword.
let currentProduct;
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
currentProduct = products[i];
// By using await, the code will halt here until
// the promise resolves, then it will go to the
// next iteration...
await subscription.getAll(products[i]._id)
.then((subs) => {
// Make sure to return your promise here...
return update(subs, currentProduct);
// You could also avoid the .then by using two awaits:
const subs = await subscription.getAll(products[i]._id);
await update(subs, currentProduct);
或者如果你只能使用简单的承诺,你可以遍历你所有的产品,并将每个承诺放在最后一个循环的 .then
let currentProduct;
let promiseChain = Promise.resolve();
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
currentProduct = products[i];
// Note that there is a scoping issue here, since
// none of the .then code runs till the loop completes,
// you need to pass the current value of `currentProduct`
// into the chain manually, to avoid having its value
// changed before the .then code accesses it.
const makeNextPromise = (currentProduct) => () => {
// Make sure to return your promise here.
return subscription.getAll(products[i]._id)
.then((subs) => {
// Make sure to return your promise here.
return update(subs, currentProduct);
// Note that we pass the value of `currentProduct` into the
// function to avoid it changing as the loop iterates.
promiseChain = promiseChain.then(makeNextPromise(currentProduct))
在第二个片段中,循环只是设置了整个链,但不会立即执行 .then
中的代码。您的 getAll
函数不会 运行 直到每个先前的函数依次解析(这就是您想要的)。
for (let product of products) {
let subs = await subscription.getAll(product._id);
await update(subs, product);
异步 "loop" 可以是一个递归函数:
const updateProducts = /* add async */async (products,processed=[]) => {
return processed;
const subs = await subscription.getAll(products[0]._id)
await update(subs, product);
throw [err,processed];
return await updateProducts(products.slice(1),processed);
//using reduce
const updateProducts = (products) => {
//keep track of processed id's
const processed = [];
return products.reduce(
.then(subs=>update(subs, product))
//add product id to processed product ids
//resolve with processed product id's
//when rejecting include the processed items
//using recursion
const updateProducts = (products,processed=[]) =>
? subscription.getAll(products[0]._id)
.then(subs=>update(subs, product))
//add product id to processed
//reject with error and id's of processed products
: processed//resolve with array of processed product ids
调用 updateProducts 的方法如下:
.then(processed=>console.log("Following products are updated.",processed))
"something went wrong:",err,
"following were processed until something went wrong:",