"correct" 意外使用 mv 而不是 hg mv 的最简单方法?

Simplest way to "correct" an accidental use of mv instead of an hg mv?

我有一个跟踪 foo。现在,因为我心不在焉,所以我 运行:

mv foo bar

现在,当我执行 hg st 时,我得到:

! foo
? bar

我想追溯修复此问题 - 就好像我已经完成了 hg mv foo bar

现在,我可以编写一个 bash 脚本来为我完成这些工作 - 但是有什么 better/simpler/smarter 我可以做的吗?



function die {
    echo "" >&2
    exit -1

(( $# == 2 )) || die "Usage: [=10=] <moved filename> <original filename>"
[[ -e "" ]]  || die "Not an existing file: "
[[ ! -e "" ]] || die "Not a missing file: "

hg_st_lines_1=$(hg st "" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
hg_st_lines_2=$(hg st "" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)

(( ${hg_st_lines_1} == 1 )) || die "Expected exactly one line in hg status for , but got ${hg_st_lines_1}"
(( ${hg_st_lines_2} == 1 )) || die "Expected exactly one line in hg status for , but got ${hg_st_lines_2}"

[[ "$(hg st "" 2>/dev/null)" == \?* ]] || die "Mercurial does not consider  to be an unknown (untracked) file"
[[ "$(hg st "" 2>/dev/null)" =~ !.* ]] || die "Mercurial does not consider  to be a missing file"

hg mv  

使用--after选项:hg mv --after foo bar

$ hg mv --help
hg rename [OPTION]... SOURCE... DEST

aliases: move, mv

rename files; equivalent of copy + remove

    Mark dest as copies of sources; mark sources for deletion. If dest is a
    directory, copies are put in that directory. If dest is a file, there can
    only be one source.

    By default, this command copies the contents of files as they exist in the
    working directory. If invoked with -A/--after, the operation is recorded,
    but no copying is performed.

    This command takes effect at the next commit. To undo a rename before
    that, see 'hg revert'.

    Returns 0 on success, 1 if errors are encountered.

options ([+] can be repeated):

 -A --after               record a rename that has already occurred
 -f --force               forcibly copy over an existing managed file
 -I --include PATTERN [+] include names matching the given patterns
 -X --exclude PATTERN [+] exclude names matching the given patterns
 -n --dry-run             do not perform actions, just print output
    --mq                  operate on patch repository

(some details hidden, use --verbose to show complete help)