如何在 Visio 2007 VBA 中向选区添加图层?

How to add layers to a selection in Visio 2007 VBA?

我想在 Visio 2007 中通过 VBA 将某些图层导出为 svg。


Sub tester()

Dim Layer    As Visio.Layer
Dim Layers   As Visio.Layers
Dim sel      As Visio.Selection

Dim filename As String
Dim lyrName   As String
Dim iLays     As Integer

Set Layers = Application.ActivePage.Layers
Set sel = EmptySelection 'Or whatever empty initialization neeeds to happen...

For iLays = 1 To Layers.Count

    Set Layer = Layers(iLays)
    lyrName = Layer.Name

    If lyrName = "Walls" Or lyrName = "Zones" Then
        sel.AddLayer (lyrName) 'or some such nonsense - This is broked.
    End If

    filename = Application.ActiveDocument.Path & "PootyStuff.svg"
    'Export the page as svg file
    sel.Export filename

Next iLays

Set Layer = Nothing
Set Layers = Nothing
End Sub


Sub tester()  
Dim sel As Visio.Selection
Dim filename As String
' create selection by layers
Set sel = ActivePage.CreateSelection(visSelTypeByLayer, visSelModeSkipSuper, "Walls;Zones")
filename = Application.ActiveDocument.Path & "PootyStuff.svg"
'Export the page as svg file
sel.Export filename
End Sub