使用 BehaviorSubject 而未获得预期的值

using BehaviorSubject and not getting the value expected

我目前正在全局使用 serviceBehaviorSubject 在两个组件中共享 BehaviorSubject 属性 值... 这是我的服务:

export class JobsService {
private partitionKeySource = new BehaviorSubject("not retrieved yet");

    partitionKey$ = this.partitionKeySource.asObservable();

    constructor(private _http: Http) {


  getJobs(): Observable<Job[]> {
    return this._http.get(this._jobsUrl).map((response: Response) => <Job>response.json())

    setPartitionKey(partitionKey: string) {


这是 JobsComponent,我正在调用我的服务的 setPartitionKey() 方法,并将一个值作为此组件的参数传递给它:

export class JobsComponent implements OnInit {
 ngOnInit(): void {
this._jobsService.getJobs().subscribe((data: Job[]) => {//...some code})};
constructor(private _jobsService: JobsService, private router: Router) {}
select(partitionKey: string) {
        this._jobsService.partitionKey$.subscribe(response => {
            console.log('from jobs component the partitionKey value is: ' + response);
            console.log('after getting the response jobsComponent');
        }, error => console.log('there was an error: ' + error));

这是JobsComponent html:

<div class="jobContainer" *ngIf="isThereAnyJob === true">
    <div *ngFor="let job of jobs">
        <a (click)="select(job.PartitionKey)">{{job.Title}}</a>

这是 JobDetails 组件:

export class JobDetailsComponent{
constructor( private _jobsService: JobsService) {
        console.log('constructor called from JobDetails');
        this._jobsService.partitionKey$.subscribe(response => {
                console.log('from job details Component the partitionKey value is: ' + response);
            error => console.log('there was an error from job details component: ' + error));

我将 JobsService 全局放入 @NgModule:

    bootstrap: [AppComponent],
    providers: [Globals, JobsService, MissionService]
export class AppModule {}

因此,当我设置服务的 partitionKeySource 值时,我想导航到 JobDetails 组件以使用 partitionKey 值显示该作业的详细信息,我是使用全局服务和 BehaviorSubject 因为我不想在 url...

中显示 partitionKey

当它导航到 JobDetails 时,partitionKey 的值是 JobsService 上的默认值,而不是 Job partitionKey 上的默认值。 .. 我正在使用 console.log() 打印两个组件的顺序和 partitionKey 值,我希望它们相同...


from jobs component the partitionKey value is: 01f1f352-51e0-474e-962b-a75a56925342d 
after getting the response jobsComponent
constructor called from JobDetails
from job details Component the partitionKey value is: not retrieved yet

我希望两个组件中的 partitionKey 值相同(01f1f352-51e0-474e-962b-a75a56925342d)...如果在使用 JobsComponent 之前更改此值,为什么 JobDetails 会获得默认值?

从提供的控制台日志输出的顺序来看,您的服务似乎有多个实例。从组件提供程序中删除 JobsService 的所有实例,只将其保留在 AppModule

    providers: [ JobsService ] // remove this

这将使 JobsService 成为一个可以在应用程序中的所有组件之间共享的单例服务。