Visual Studio 2013 年网站项目 Database.Open

Visual Studio 2013 WebSite Project Database.Open

您好,我创建了一个空网站 C#。我创建了一个数据库,我正在尝试从 .cshtml

    var db = WebMatrix.Data.Database.Open("Test");
    var selectQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Product ORDER BY Name";
    <h1>Small Bakery Products</h1>
        @foreach (var row in db.Query(selectQueryString))
                <td align="right">@row.Price</td>


Error 1 The name 'Database' does not exist in the current context



Error 1 The pre-application start initialization method Start on type WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode threw an exception with the following error message: Attempt by security transparent method 'WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode.Start()' to access security critical method 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor.WebPageRazorHost.AddGlobalImport(System.String)' failed..

听起来像这样:Attempt by security transparent method 'WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode.Start()'

"For me this error was because I did NOT have Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers installed after updating from MVC 4 to MVC 5. It was fixed by installing the NuGet package"

Install-Package -Id  Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers