BSL 中的编程突破

Programming Breakout in BSL

我目前正尝试在 BSL 中编码 'Breakout' 但我卡住了 不知道如何在我的代码中添加欢迎和游戏结束屏幕。这是 假设游戏从欢迎屏幕开始,当它是 用鼠标在屏幕上单击实际游戏应该开始。什么时候 球与屏幕的下边缘相撞屏幕游戏结束 应该出现。 感谢您提供的任何提示!

   (define WIDTH 200)

   (define HEIGHT 200)

(define BALL-RADIUS 10)

(define BALL-IMG (circle BALL-RADIUS "solid" "red"))

(define MT (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))

    (define GAME-OVER
  (place-image (text "Game-over" 30 "black")
               100 100

   (define WELCOME
      (place-image (text "Welcome" 30 "black")
               100 100

    (define-struct vel (delta-x delta-y))
    ; a Vel is a structure: (make-vel Number Number)
    ; interp. the velocity vector of a moving object

    (define-struct ball (loc velocity))
    ; a Ball is a structure: (make-ball Posn Vel)
    ; interp. the position and velocity of a object 

    (define RACKET (rectangle 30 10 "solid" "grey"))
    (define-struct world-state (ball racket))
    ; A WorldState is a structure. (make-world-state Ball Location of 
    ; interp. current velocity and location of ball, current location of 

    ; Posn Vel -> Posn
    ; applies q to p and simulates the movement in one clock tick
    (check-expect (posn+vel (make-posn 5 6) (make-vel 1 2))
              (make-posn 6 8))
    (define (posn+vel p q)
      (make-posn (+ (posn-x p) (vel-delta-x q))
             (+ (posn-y p) (vel-delta-y q))))

    ; Ball -> Ball
    ; computes movement of ball in one clock tick

    (define (move-ball ball)
      (make-ball (posn+vel (ball-loc ball)
                       (ball-velocity ball))
             (ball-velocity ball)))

    ; A Collision is either
    ; - "top"
    ; - "down"
    ; - "left"
    ;  - "right"
    ; - "racket"
    ; - "none"
    ; interp. the location where a ball collides with a wall

    ; Posn -> Collision
    ; detects with which of the walls (if any) or the racket the ball 

    (define (collision world-state)
        [(<= (posn-x (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state))) BALL-
    RADIUS) "left"]
        [(<= (posn-y (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state))) BALL-
    RADIUS)  "top"]
        [(>= (posn-x (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state))) (- WIDTH 
    BALL-RADIUS)) "right"]
        [(>= (posn-y (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state))) (- HEIGHT 
    BALL-RADIUS)) "down"]
        [(and (>= (posn-y (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state))) (- 
              (<= (- (posn-x (world-state-racket world-state)) 15)
                  (posn-x (world-state-racket world-state))
                  (+ (posn-x (world-state-racket world-state)) 15))) 
         [else "none"]))

    ; Vel Collision -> Vel  
    ; computes the velocity of an object after a collision
    (define (bounce vel collision)
      (cond [(or (string=? collision "left")
                 (string=? collision "right"))
             (make-vel (- (vel-delta-x vel))
                   (vel-delta-y vel))]
            [(or (string=? collision "top")
                 (string=? collision "racket"))
             (make-vel (vel-delta-x vel)
                       (- (vel-delta-y vel)))]
      [else vel]))

    ; render

    ; WorldState -> Image
    ; renders ball and

     racket at their position
    (check-expect (image? (render INITIAL-STATE)) #true)
    (define (render world-state)
      (place-image BALL-IMG
                   (posn-x (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state)))
                   (posn-y (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state)))
                   (place-image RACKET
                                (posn-x (world-state-racket world-state))
                                (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))))


    ; WorldState -> WorldState
    ; moves ball to its next location
    (check-expect (tick INITIAL-STATE) (make-world-state (make-ball (make-posn 21 14) (make-vel 1 2)) (make-posn 20 195)))

    (define (tick world-state)
       (make-world-state (move-ball (make-ball (ball-loc (world-state-ball world-state))
                             (bounce (ball-velocity (world-state-ball world-state))
                                     (collision world-state))))
                         (world-state-racket world-state)))

    ; A Location is a structure: (make-posn Number Number)
    ; interp. x and y coordinate of a location on screen.
    (define Loc (make-posn 1 1))

    ; A MouseEvent is one of
    ; - "button-down"
    ; - "button-up"
    ; - "drag"
    ; - "move"
    ; - "enter"
    ; - "leave"
    ; interp. mouse events, e.g., mouse movements or mouse clicks
    (define MOUSE-CLICK "button-down")

    ; mouse
    ; Game Number Number MouseEvent -> WorldState
    ; Update position of racket when the mouse moves

    (define (mouse-template world-state mouse-loc-x mouse-loc-y MouseEvent)
        ((string=? MouseEvent "button-down")...)
        ((string=? MouseEvent "button-up")...)
        ((string=? MouseEvent "drag")...)
        ((string=? MouseEvent "move")...)
        ((string=? MouseEvent "enter")...)
        ((string=? MouseEvent "leave")...)
        (else ...)))

    (define (mouse world-state mouse-loc-x mouse-loc-y MouseEvent)
        [(and (string=? MouseEvent "move")
              (>= mouse-loc-y 180))
         (make-world-state (world-state-ball world-state)
                           (make-posn mouse-loc-x 195))]
        [else world-state]))

    (define INITIAL-BALL (make-ball (make-posn 20 12)
                                    (make-vel 1 2)))

    (define INITIAL-RACKET (make-posn 20 195))

    (define INITIAL-STATE (make-world-state INITIAL-BALL INITIAL-RACKET))

    ; WorldState -> WorldState
    ; Starts the game

    (define (main state)
          (big-bang state
                (on-tick tick 0.01)
                (to-draw render)
                (on-mouse mouse)))

    ; start with INITIAL-STATE


  • 欢迎
  • 正在播放
  • 游戏结束

到目前为止你只有 "playing" 并且你使用你的世界结构来表示它。


重命名您的旧渲染函数 render-world(或 render-playing)。 然后这样写:

 (define (render w)
      [(welcome? w)   (render-welcome w)]
      [(world? w)     (render-world w)]
      [(game-over? w) (render-game-over w)]))
