无法创建与 BizTalk 服务器一起安装的 BizTalkDBversion COM 组件,没有足够的存储空间来完成此操作

Failed to create a BizTalkDBversion COM component installed with a BizTalk server not enough storage is available to complete this operation


Out of memory (System.Management)
Additional Information
Failed to create a BizTalkDBversion COM component installed with a BizTalk server.
Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

BizTalk 服务器本身在 RAM 内存使用方面没有问题,根据我们的 sql 人员,SQL 服务器似乎也没有问题。而且事件日志中没有记录所以我在这里有点迷路..

此处有一些 "not enough storage is available" 主题,但没有链接到 BizTalk 服务器的主题。问题突然出现了。

我认为这是 SQL 服务器问题?对于导致问题的原因以及如何解决这个问题的任何想法,我将不胜感激。

The only similar error I came across in my search is this one. social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/… Which basically says to restart the the Windows Management Instrumentation service – Dijkgraaf Dec 30 '17

Dijkgraaf 先生的上述评论解决了我们的问题:)

Recently another cause of this error is the July patch 2018 (possibly included on the August Rollup patch 2018 as well) please see Colin Dijkgraaf's post here https://cdijkgraaf.wordpress.com/2018/07/19/microsoft-security-updates-cause-biztalk-admin-console-errors-an-internal-failure-occurred-for-unknown-reasons-winmgmt/