
Is there a system call service routine in the interrupt vector?





引自 Silberschatz 操作系统概念:

A system call usually takes the form of a trap to a specific location in the interrupt vector. This trap can be executed by a generic trap instruction, although some systems (such as MIPS) have a specific syscall instruction to invoke a system call.

When a system call is executed, it is typically treated by the hardware as a software interrupt. Control passes through the interrupt vector to a service routine in the operating system, and the mode bit is set to kernel mode. The system-call service routine is a part of the operating system. The kernel examines the interrupting instruction to determine what system call has occurred; a parameter indicates what type of service the user program is requesting. Additional information needed for the request may be passed in registers, on the stack, or in memory (with pointers to the memory locations passed in registers). The kernel verifies that the parameters are correct and legal, executes the request, and returns control to the instruction following the system call.



INT #100


这会明确触发 exception/interrupt #100。 CPU 然后在中断向量中查找条目 #100,然后在内核模式下调用该例程。



因此,大多数系统都有包装函数,您可以像函数一样调用这些函数,这些函数接受参数,将它们放入寄存器,设置堆栈(可能),触发中断,从中读取 return 值寄存器,更新参数和 return 给调用者。甚至汇编语言程序员也倾向于使用这些包装器。

The question is: Is there a system call service routine, which is always called, in order to find a specific system call, like write, read, etc. ?


Of so why there is a possibility to add your own system call and there is no possibility to add your own interrupt handler ?

硬件异常和中断由 . . . .硬件。它们是固定的。

Why interrupt-vector is fixed-size and system call vector not ?

您似乎指的是一个具有独立中断向量和系统服务向量的系统。大多数(但不是全部)系统将它们结合在一起。 CPU 识别的中断和异常的数量是固定的,并在硬件中定义。操作系统可以定义任意数量的系统服务。

如果系统每个 class 都有单独的向量,则硬件向量是固定的,系统调用向量可以是任意大小,以说明不同操作系统可以提供的无数系统服务集。
