如何使用 Rank-2 类型抽象函数中的约束?

How to abstract constraints in function with Rank-2 type?

以下代码片段借鉴了 the Haskell wiki 来携带类型类字典和存在类型:

{-# language ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Experiment1 where

data Showable = forall x. Show x => Showable x
instance Show Showable where showsPrec p (Showable x) = showsPrec p x

resultStr :: String
resultStr = show (Showable ()) -- "()"

是否可以编写一个函数 f :: (forall x. x -> result) -> result 能够将 Showable 构造函数(或存在类型的任何其他数据构造函数)作为参数?


{-# language ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes, ConstraintKinds #-}

module Experiment2 where

-- import Data.Constraint (Dict(..), withDict)

data Showable = forall x. Show x => Showable x
instance Show Showable where showsPrec p (Showable x) = showsPrec p x

f :: (cxt (), cxt result) => (forall x. cxt x => x -> result) -> result
f mkResult = mkResult ()

resultStr :: String
resultStr = show (f Showable)

正如我上面评论的导入所暗示的,我的印象是 constraints 包可能允许我传递必要的证明,但我看不出它是如何工作的?

如果您提供一种方法来确定 cxt

import Data.Proxy

f :: (cxt (), cxt result) => p cxt -> (forall x. cxt x => x -> result) -> result
f _ mkResult = mkResult ()

resultStr :: String
resultStr = show (f (Proxy :: Proxy Show) Showable)


{-# language ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Experiment3 where

import GHC.Exts

data Showable (cxt :: * -> Constraint) = forall x. (cxt ~ Show, cxt x) => Showable x
instance Show (Showable Show) where showsPrec p (Showable x) = showsPrec p x

f :: cxt () => (forall x. cxt x => x -> result cxt) -> result cxt
f mkResult = mkResult ()

resultStr :: String
resultStr = show (f Showable :: Showable Show)

不幸的是,它需要 show (f Showable) 中的显式类型签名,而我的目标是通过 Showable 获得类型推断(或者更确切地说,某种约束推断)。所以这个答案本身不是解决方案,而是我想要的另一个反例。

我会接受 Cirdec 的回答,因为它引导我得出这个结论。