防止使用 PRG 提交多个表单?

Prevent multiple form submission using PRG?

我需要去掉 'Confirm Resubmission' 对话框以防止多次提交表单,并且还需要在用户刷新页面时清除 ZF2 自动呈现的表单验证错误。

我已经阅读了 ZF2 关于 PRG 插件的文档,但是当我仍然想显示表单错误时,我不确定如何实现它。


public function loginAction()
    $sm                 = $this->getServiceLocator();
    $forms              = $this->getForms();
    $viewModel          = new ViewModel();
    $this->layout()->setVariable('title', 'Welcome!');

    $request            = $this->getRequest();
    if($request->isPost()) {
        $postData       = $request->getPost();

        if ($forms['formLogin']->isValid()) {
            $data       = $forms['formLogin']->getData();
            $customer   = $this->getCustomerTable()->getCustomer($data['login-email'], $data['login-password']);

            if (empty($customer)) {
                $viewModel->setVariable('errorMessage', 'Account does not exist');

                return $viewModel;

            $LoginService = $sm->get('Customer\Service\LoginService');


    return $viewModel;


public function loginAction()
    $prg = $this->prg();
    if ($prg instanceof Response) {
        return $prg;
    // here, $prg is false if multiple submissions 
    if ($prg === false) {
        // your code for init $prg or redirect to other action
    // here, $prg contains post and get parameters as an array
    // You must distinguish whether this is an entry to display the form 
    // or the return to process the data returned by the submit
    // because $request is no longer available. Example :
    $forms              = $this->getForms();
    if (array_key_exists('submit', $prg) {

        if ($forms['formLogin']->isValid()) {
            $data       = $forms['formLogin']->getData();
            $customer   = $this->getCustomerTable()->getCustomer($data['login-email'], $data['login-password']);

            if (empty($customer)) {
                $viewModel->setVariable('errorMessage', 'Account does not exist');

                return $viewModel;

            $LoginService = $sm->get('Customer\Service\LoginService');

    $viewModel          = new ViewModel();
    $this->layout()->setVariable('title', 'Welcome!');
    return $viewModel;