如何使用 reStructuredText 在超链接目标中包含 space?

How to include space in a hyperlink target using reStructuredText?


For more info, see Target_.

.. _Target: http://google.com

这会正确生成 links Target 到“http://google.com”的文档。

我想用有空格的文本替换 Target:

For more info, see Text With Space_.

.. _Text With Space: http://google.com

以上示例生成的文档错误地 links "Space" 到未知位置。我希望它 link “Text With Space” 到 “http://google.com”。


来自 Hyperlinks, External links 的 Sphinx 文档。

Use Link text <http://example.com/>_ for inline web links.

You can also separate the link and the target definition (ref), like this:

This is a paragraph that contains `a link`_.

.. _a link: http://example.com/


.. |Target| replace:: Text With Space
.. _Target: http://google.com

For more info, see |Target|_