新的英特尔处理器 KPTI 错误。浮点计算会出现哪种减速?

New Intel processors KPTI bug. Which slowdown to expect for floating point computation?

一些媒体报道说在 Intel 处理器中发现了一个 new hardware bug,允许用户模式进程访问内核模式内存:

It is understood the bug is present in modern Intel processors produced in the past decade. It allows normal user programs – from database applications to JavaScript in web browsers – to discern to some extent the layout or contents of protected kernel memory areas.

The effects [of fixes] are still being benchmarked, however we're looking at a ballpark figure of five to 30 per cent slow down, depending on the task and the processor model.


据我了解,只有内核模式和用户模式之间的切换性能受到影响。例如,处理大量 I/O 是一种经常出现的工作负载,但 CPU 密集型流程不应受到太大影响。

引用一篇分析 Linux KPTI 补丁性能的文章:

Most workloads that we have run show single-digit regressions. 5% is a good round number for what is typical. The worst we have seen is a roughly 30% regression on a loopback networking test that did a ton of syscalls and context switches.


So PostgreSQL SELECT command is about ~20% slower with KPTI workaround, and I/Os in general seem to be impacted negatively according to Phoronix benchmarks especially with fast storage, but not gaming performance, Linux kernel compilation, H.264 encoding, etc…


因此,如果您的 FP 计算主要依赖于内存中的数据移动而不是 I/O,它们应该基本不受影响。