Purescript Simple JSON,结合记录类型

Purescript Simple JSON, combining record types

我是 Purescript 的新手,正在尝试使用 purescript-simple-json 来:

  1. 取一些JSON转换成User
  2. 的记录
  3. 再取一些JSON,转换成Comment
  4. 的记录数组
  5. 取2.的结果,放入1.生成的用户记录的comments字段


module Test where

import Prelude

import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Foreign (ForeignError)
import Data.Generic.Rep as Rep
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmptyList)
import Simple.JSON (class ReadForeign, readJSON)

newtype Comment = Comment
  { rating :: Int
  , username :: String

newtype User = User
  { username :: String
  , comments :: Array Comment

derive instance repGenericUser :: Rep.Generic User _
instance showUser :: Show User where show = genericShow

derive instance repGenericComment :: Rep.Generic Comment _
instance showComment :: Show Comment where show = genericShow

derive newtype instance rfUser :: ReadForeign User
derive newtype instance rfComment :: ReadForeign Comment

parseU :: String -> Either (NonEmptyList ForeignError) User
parseU xs = readJSON xs

parseC :: String -> Either (NonEmptyList ForeignError) Comment
parseC xs = readJSON xs

addComments :: User -> Array Comment -> User
addComments (User u) cs = u { comments = cs }

但是,当我尝试使用 pulp repl 在 REPL 中加载它时,我收到以下错误消息:

Compiling Test
Error found:
in module Test
at src/test.purs line 39, column 1 - line 39, column 45

  Could not match type

    { comments :: Array Comment
    , username :: String       

  with type


while checking that type { comments :: Array Comment
                         | t0                       
  is at least as general as type User
while checking that expression [=12=] { comments = cs
  has type User
in value declaration addComments

where t0 is an unknown type

我不确定如何解释此错误消息。我可以删除 addComments 的类型签名,但推断的类型会与上面错误消息中的未命名记录相同,这不是预期的结果。对我做错了什么有什么想法吗?非常感谢您查看此内容!

我想你快到了。该错误告诉您返回的是 "unwrapped" 记录而不是 User 值。 尝试在最后一个函数中添加 User 构造函数:

addComments :: User -> Array Comment -> User
addComments (User u) cs = User $ u { comments = cs }