
How to join on timestamp columns with tolerance

如何允许 1 - 10 秒的容差?

我有 2 个 table 有时间戳,但相差 1-10 秒。我正在使用内部连接来比较它们。我在两个 table 中都有 phone 个数字(列)匹​​配但不能使它们与时间戳匹配(仅限时间)。为了允许一定的容差,我可以使用像 cast(DateCreated as Time) = cast(TIMESTAMP as time) + 5 这样的表达式。但我不想每一秒都这样做。

SELECT Time_To_Sec(cast("table1_DateCreated" as time)) as DateCreated 
     , Time_To_Sec(cast("table2"."Timestamp" as time)) as Timestampe
     , "Direction","FromTW", "ToTW", "table2"."ANI","table2"."CALL ID"
     , "table2"."Disposition"
FROM "calls and time"
INNER JOIN "table2" on cast(DateCreated as Time)=cast(TIMESTAMP as time)+5
                   and FromTW="table2"."ANI"


table1(DateCreated)  |  table2(Timestamp)  | compared results
5000                 |  5005               |  table3
5001                 |  5009               |  table3
5001                 |  5050               |  not in table3   


使用 Zoho 报告,因此我不确定他们使用的是什么类型的数据库。 Postgres、MySQL 等


if (abs($timestamp1 - $timestamp2) <= $tolerance) { ... }

如果两个表中的时间戳都可以是off by 1-10 seconds,那么逻辑上匹配的最大容差是20秒(每边+/- 10)。

Postgres 中测试:

FROM   "calls and time" t1
JOIN   table2 t2 ON t2."TIMESTAMP" BETWEEN t1."DateCreated" - interval '20 sec'
                                       AND t1."DateCreated" + interval '20 sec';
WHERE  t1."FromTW" = t2."ANI"  -- FromTW or "FromTW" ?

这是一个 sargable 表达式,允许在 x:

x BETWEEN y - interval '20 sec'
      AND y + interval '20 sec'

"calls and time""TIMESTAMP""FromTW" 非常不幸的标识符 ,顺便说一句。坚持使用合法的、不带引号的名称可以省去一些麻烦。