PHP 使用 curl 将电子邮件列表发送到 sparkpost API

PHP send email list to sparkpost API with curl

我想使用 curl 将电子邮件列表发送到 sparkpost API 这是 sparkpost 文档中的卷曲

    curl -v \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
-X GET ",count_sent,count_accepted&timezone=America%2FNew_York&to=2014-06-23T15:50"

如何使用 PHP curl

$ch = curl_init(",count_sent,count_accepted&timezone=America%2FNew_York&to=2014-06-23T15:50");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Authorization: $API_KEY',
'Content-Type: application/json'

$data = curl_exec($ch);


如果您有权访问 shell_exec(),您可以将其作为 shell 命令行调用:

$output = shell_exec('curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: '.$API_KEY.'" -X GET ",count_sent,count_accepted&timezone=America%2FNew_York&to=2014-06-23T15:50"');

echo $output;

假设您只对服务器响应感兴趣,我已经从命令行中删除了代表详细模式的 -v 参数,详细模式会打印有关 curl 请求的额外调试信息,这将与输出,有关如何在命令行中使用 curl 的更多信息,请使用 man curl

如果你想在 SparkPost 服务器上创建一个电子邮件列表,你可以使用这个 API: 这里有一个例子 PHP:


$request = new HttpRequest();

  'num_rcpt_errors' => '3'

  'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
  'Authorization' => $YOUR_API_KEY_HERE // put your API key here

// You will need to put PHP code that reads from your DB and puts Your recipients in that array below. You only need the address->name and address-email bit if you don't have additional metadata
  "id": "unique_id_4_graduate_students_list",
  "name": "graduate_students",
  "description": "An email list of graduate students at UMBC",
  "attributes": {
    "internal_id": 112,
    "list_group_id": 12321
  "recipients": [
      "address": {
        "email": "",
        "name": "Wilma"
      "tags": [
      "metadata": {
        "age": "24",
        "place": "Bedrock"
      "substitution_data": {
        "favorite_color": "SparkPost Orange",
        "job": "Software Engineer"
      "address": {
        "email": "",
        "name": "ABC"
      "tags": [
      "metadata": {
        "age": "52",
        "place": "MD"
      "substitution_data": {
        "favorite_color": "Sky Blue",
        "job": "Driver"
      "address": {
        "email": "",
        "name": "Grad Student Office",
        "header_to": ""
      "tags": [
      "metadata": {
        "age": "33",
        "place": "NY"
      "substitution_data": {
        "favorite_color": "Bright Green",
        "job": "Firefighter"

try {
  $response = $request->send();

  echo $response->getBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
  echo $ex;

假设您想向存储在下面 SparkPost 中的收件人列表发送电子邮件,这是 PHP 中的一种方法。

为此,您需要在此处的 SparkPost 中创建一个 "recipient list" and provide the ID of the list in the request below. You will also need an API key that allows REST Injection which can be created here 您还需要一个有效的发送域,我假设您已经在 SparkPost 中进行了设置。


$request = new HttpRequest();

  'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
  'Authorization' => $YOUR_SPARKPOST_API_KEY . // Put your "real" API key here or better set a variable and use that

    "options": {
        "open_tracking": true,
        "click_tracking": true
  "campaign_id": "test_campaign",
  "recipients": {
    "list_id": "unique_id_4_graduate_students_list" // Put your List ID here from here
  "content": {
    "from": {
      "email": "", // Change this to your proper from address
      "name": "John Doe"
    "subject": "simple subject",
    "text": "simple text content",
    "html": "<b>Your HTML Content</b>"


try {
  $response = $request->send();

  echo $response->getBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
  echo $ex;

这里还有一些提示,可以让您更快地进行。这里有一个 SparkPost PHP 库:

此外,如需更多 "real-time" 问题和答案,您可以在此处加入社区 Slack: 进入后,请查看#php 频道。

如果您想熟悉 API,可以试用 PostMan 资源。这里有一个很好的博客 post 可以帮助您前进: 一旦您开始行动,PostMan 可以生成大多数常用语言的代码以帮助您快速行动。