如何限制 return 输出的打字稿功能
How to throttle typescript functions that return output
我正在使用打字稿编写 node.js 应用程序。我的应用程序将有多个服务相互通信。一些服务需要调用外部 API。这个API对每秒可以执行的调用次数有限制。因此,我想创建一个包装外部 API 调用的服务(我们称之为 ApiService)。其他服务将调用此服务,它将在队列中收集它们的请求并按顺序执行它们 - 每秒 N 个请求(为简单起见,我们假设每秒 1 个)。当服务 A 调用 ApiService 的方法时 - 它期望接收输出(接收 Promise 是可以的)。
现在我的问题是 - 如何在 ApiService 中对这些 API 调用进行排队,以便每 1 秒执行队列中的下一个调用以及 return 该 API 调用 ApiService 的调用者?
export class ServiceA {
apiService: ApiService;
public constructor(_apiService: ApiService) {
apiService = _apiService;
public async DoWork() {
// Do some stuff
const output: number = await apiService.RetrieveA(param1, param2);
// Do something with the output
API 服务:
export class ApiService {
queue: (() => Promise<any>)[] = [];
public async RetrieveA(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
const func = async () => {
return this.CallApi(param1, param2);
return func();
public async RunQueue() {
while(true) {
const func = this.queue.shift();
if (!func) { continue; }
// Call the function after 1 second
await setTimeout(() => { func(); }, 1000);
private async CallApi(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
// Call the external API, process its output and return
var CronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
const apiService = new ApiService();
const service = new ServiceA(apiService);
new CronJob('* * * * * *', function() {
}, null, true);
我面临的问题是,当 RetrieveA 方法 returns func() - 函数被执行。我需要 return 一个 Promise,但实际的函数执行需要在 RunQueue() 方法中进行。有没有办法做到这一点?我可以 return 一个承诺而不立即执行函数并等待这个承诺 - 在 RunQueue 方法中调用函数时接收输出吗?
或者是否有其他方法可以解决 API 调用 return 输出的节流问题?
我是 Node.js/Typescript/JavaScript 世界的新手,非常感谢您的帮助:)
我确实设法找到了可行的解决方案。我对 JavaScript 中的整个 Promise 和异步概念不是很熟悉,所以这可能不是最好的解决方案,但它可以满足我的具体情况。以下是希望实现类似功能的其他人的代码:
export class ServiceA {
apiService: ApiService;
public constructor(_apiService: ApiService) {
apiService = _apiService;
public async DoWork() {
// Do some stuff
const output: number = await apiService.RetrieveA(param1, param2);
// Do something with the output
这是 returns 承诺输出并限制实际函数执行的修改后的 ApiService:
export class ApiService {
// We keep the functions that need to be executed in this queue
// and process them sequentially
queue: (() => void)[] = [];
public async RetrieveA(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
// This resolver serves two purposes - it will be called when the
// function is executed (to set the output), but will also be part
// of the Promise that will be returned to the caller (so that the
// caller can await for the result).
let resolver: (value: number) => void;
// This function will be executed by the RunQueue method when its
// turn has come. It makes a call to the external API and when that
// call succeeds - the resolver is called to return the result through
// the Promise.
const func = async () => {
return this.CallApi(param1, param2).then(resolver);
// This is the promise that we return to the caller, so that he
// can await for the result.
const promise = new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {
resolver = resolve;
return promise;
public async Run() {
private async RunQueue(funcQueue: (() => void)[]) {
// Get the first element of the queue
const func = funcQueue.shift();
// If the queue is empty - this method will continue to run
// until a new element is added to the queue
if (func) {
await func();
// Recursively call the function again after 1 second
// This will process the next element in the queue
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
private async CallApi(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
// Call the external API, process its output and return
如果您想将对 RetreiveA 的调用限制为每秒 2 次,所有这些都可以简单得多:
//lib is here: https://github.com/amsterdamharu/lib/blob/master/src/index.js
import * as lib from '../../src/index'
const twoPerSecond = lib.throttlePeriod(2,1000);
export class ApiService {
public RetrieveA(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
//removed the resolver part, according to the typescript signature
// it should return a promise of number but resolver actually takes
// that number and returns void (undefined?)
return twoPerSecond(this.CallApi.bind(this))([param1, param2]);
//change the signature of this function to take one parameter
// but deconsruct the array to param1 and param2
private async CallApi([param1, param2]): Promise<number> {
// Call the external API, process its output and return
你的方法只有在这个 class 只有一个实例时才有效。如果您要创建多个实例并在这些实例上调用 RetrieveA
,则您不再将请求限制为 callApi
我正在使用打字稿编写 node.js 应用程序。我的应用程序将有多个服务相互通信。一些服务需要调用外部 API。这个API对每秒可以执行的调用次数有限制。因此,我想创建一个包装外部 API 调用的服务(我们称之为 ApiService)。其他服务将调用此服务,它将在队列中收集它们的请求并按顺序执行它们 - 每秒 N 个请求(为简单起见,我们假设每秒 1 个)。当服务 A 调用 ApiService 的方法时 - 它期望接收输出(接收 Promise 是可以的)。
现在我的问题是 - 如何在 ApiService 中对这些 API 调用进行排队,以便每 1 秒执行队列中的下一个调用以及 return 该 API 调用 ApiService 的调用者?
export class ServiceA {
apiService: ApiService;
public constructor(_apiService: ApiService) {
apiService = _apiService;
public async DoWork() {
// Do some stuff
const output: number = await apiService.RetrieveA(param1, param2);
// Do something with the output
API 服务:
export class ApiService {
queue: (() => Promise<any>)[] = [];
public async RetrieveA(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
const func = async () => {
return this.CallApi(param1, param2);
return func();
public async RunQueue() {
while(true) {
const func = this.queue.shift();
if (!func) { continue; }
// Call the function after 1 second
await setTimeout(() => { func(); }, 1000);
private async CallApi(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
// Call the external API, process its output and return
var CronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
const apiService = new ApiService();
const service = new ServiceA(apiService);
new CronJob('* * * * * *', function() {
}, null, true);
我面临的问题是,当 RetrieveA 方法 returns func() - 函数被执行。我需要 return 一个 Promise,但实际的函数执行需要在 RunQueue() 方法中进行。有没有办法做到这一点?我可以 return 一个承诺而不立即执行函数并等待这个承诺 - 在 RunQueue 方法中调用函数时接收输出吗?
或者是否有其他方法可以解决 API 调用 return 输出的节流问题?
我是 Node.js/Typescript/JavaScript 世界的新手,非常感谢您的帮助:)
我确实设法找到了可行的解决方案。我对 JavaScript 中的整个 Promise 和异步概念不是很熟悉,所以这可能不是最好的解决方案,但它可以满足我的具体情况。以下是希望实现类似功能的其他人的代码:
export class ServiceA {
apiService: ApiService;
public constructor(_apiService: ApiService) {
apiService = _apiService;
public async DoWork() {
// Do some stuff
const output: number = await apiService.RetrieveA(param1, param2);
// Do something with the output
这是 returns 承诺输出并限制实际函数执行的修改后的 ApiService:
export class ApiService {
// We keep the functions that need to be executed in this queue
// and process them sequentially
queue: (() => void)[] = [];
public async RetrieveA(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
// This resolver serves two purposes - it will be called when the
// function is executed (to set the output), but will also be part
// of the Promise that will be returned to the caller (so that the
// caller can await for the result).
let resolver: (value: number) => void;
// This function will be executed by the RunQueue method when its
// turn has come. It makes a call to the external API and when that
// call succeeds - the resolver is called to return the result through
// the Promise.
const func = async () => {
return this.CallApi(param1, param2).then(resolver);
// This is the promise that we return to the caller, so that he
// can await for the result.
const promise = new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {
resolver = resolve;
return promise;
public async Run() {
private async RunQueue(funcQueue: (() => void)[]) {
// Get the first element of the queue
const func = funcQueue.shift();
// If the queue is empty - this method will continue to run
// until a new element is added to the queue
if (func) {
await func();
// Recursively call the function again after 1 second
// This will process the next element in the queue
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
private async CallApi(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
// Call the external API, process its output and return
如果您想将对 RetreiveA 的调用限制为每秒 2 次,所有这些都可以简单得多:
//lib is here: https://github.com/amsterdamharu/lib/blob/master/src/index.js
import * as lib from '../../src/index'
const twoPerSecond = lib.throttlePeriod(2,1000);
export class ApiService {
public RetrieveA(param1, param2): Promise<number> {
//removed the resolver part, according to the typescript signature
// it should return a promise of number but resolver actually takes
// that number and returns void (undefined?)
return twoPerSecond(this.CallApi.bind(this))([param1, param2]);
//change the signature of this function to take one parameter
// but deconsruct the array to param1 and param2
private async CallApi([param1, param2]): Promise<number> {
// Call the external API, process its output and return
你的方法只有在这个 class 只有一个实例时才有效。如果您要创建多个实例并在这些实例上调用 RetrieveA
,则您不再将请求限制为 callApi