静态 Class 与受保护的构造函数

Static Class vs Protected Constructor

我在 class 中收到一条警告消息,比如

Add a Protected constructor or the static keyword to the class declaration



static class 没有 constructor

public static class Program    {

static class with protected using constructor

public  class Program
        protected Program() { }


那么我上面的解决方案中提到的 Static Class 与 Protected Constructor 之间有什么区别?哪个最好用?

实例化 class 类型时调用静态构造函数。当创建 class 的实例时,将调用受保护的构造函数。受保护的部分意味着只有继承 class 的 classes 才能调用它。

您可能在 class 中只有静态成员,并且代码分析器假定您的意图是无法创建 class 的实例,因此它要求您要么class 静态

public static class Program {
    //...static members

或者放一个 protected/private 构造器

public class Program {
    protected Program { //OR private


    //...static members

以防止 class 的实例被初始化。

A static class is basically the same as a non-static class, but there is one difference: a static class cannot be instantiated.

引用Static Classes and Static Class Members (C# Programming Guide)


并且私有构造函数不允许任何其他 classes 使用私有构造函数

初始化 class

A static class 不需要实例来访问其成员。 static class 不能有实例成员(例如,静态 class 上不允许 public int MyNumber;,因为静态 class 上只允许静态成员)。不过,非静态 class 允许实例成员和静态成员。具有 protected 构造函数的 class 只能拥有由其自身创建的实例或从其继承的实例。

public class Program
    protected Program()
        // Do something.

    public static Program Create()
        // 100% Allowed.
        return new Program();

    public void DoSomething()


public static class AnotherClass
    public static Program CreateProgram()
        // Not allowed since Program's constructor is protected.
        return new Program();

public class SubProgram : Program
    protected SubProgram()
        // Calls Program() then SubProgram().

    public new static Program Create()
        // return new Program(); // We would need to move the SubProgram class INSIDE the Program class in order for this line to work.
        return new SubProgram();

Program.Create();               // Can be called since Create is public and static function.
Program.DoSomething()           // Can't be called because an instance has not been instantiated.
var test = Program.Create();
test.DoSomething();             // Can be called since there is now an instance of Program (i.e. 'test').
AnotherClass.CreateProgram();   // Can't be called since Program's constructor is protected.
SubProgram.Create();            // Can be called since SubProgram inherits from Program.


Static Constructor:class类型实例化时调用一次,用于初始化静态成员。不创建 class 的实例。


最好的做法是,如果您只希望继承的 classes 能够创建您的 class.你可以两者兼得。

public class MyClass
    static readonly long _someStaticMember;
    private bool _param;
    static MyClass()
        //Do Some Logic
        _someStaticMember = SomeValueCalculated;
    protected MyClass(bool param)
        _param = param;
public class ChildClass: MyClass
    public ChildClass(bool param) : base(param);
public class NotChildClass
    public MyClass someObject = new MyClass(true); //Will Fail