在 R 中 return 多个修改参数的最佳方式?

Best way to return multiple modified arguments in R?

我正在尝试编写一个函数(或最好的 R 替代方案),给定一个 deck 向量和一个 hand 向量,从牌组中取出第一个元素并将其添加到手上。

# initialize the deck.  We don't care about suits, so modulus 13
deck <- sample(52, 52, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL) %% 13 + 1

# initilize the hand
hand <- vector(mode="numeric", length=0)

#deal a card from the deck to the hand.
# it's these two lines I'd like to put in something like a function 
#   and return the modified vectors
  phand <- c(hand, deck[1])
  deck <- deck[-1]

在类似 Python 的情况下,您可以这样做:

def dealcard(deck,hand)

   # do something to deck and hand
   return deck, hand

deck,hand = dealcard(deck,hand)

查看第一个答案: modify variable within R function

There are ways as @Dason showed, but really - you shouldn't!

The whole paradigm of R is to "pass by value". @Rory just posted the normal way to handle it - just return the modified value...

那么什么是最 R-thonic 实现此 "modifying multiple arguments to a function" 的方法?

我可以看到用一个矩阵完成类似的事情,其中​​一列使用数字来指示 row/card 发给哪只手,但这会使代码不那么直观。很容易想象一个函数:

score <- ScoreFunction(DealerHand)


score <- ScoreFunction(DeckMatrix, 1)


您可以从您的函数中 return list


dealcard <- function(deck, hand) {
    # There needs to be a card to deal
    stopifnot(length(deck) > 0)

    # Add the card from the top of the deck to the hand
    hand <- c(hand, deck[1])

    # Remove the card from the deck
    deck <- deck[-1]

    # Create a named list from the modified inputs
    output <- list(deck=deck, hand=hand)


但请注意,这种方法实际上并没有修改全局环境中的 deckhand 对象。 (你 可以 使用 <<- 做到这一点,但在大多数情况下你不应该这样做。)所以你可以这样做:

# Initialize deck and hand as a list
# Full deck, empty hand
deck.hand <- list(deck=sample(52, 52, replace=FALSE), hand=NULL)

# Deal a card
deck.hand <- with(deck.hand, dealcard(deck, hand))

现在,如果您查看 deck.hand,您会看到 deckhand 项已适当更新。



# Initialize the game
# Three players, everyone starts with empty hands
game <- list(deck=sample(52, 52, replace=FALSE) %% 13 + 1,
             dealer=NULL, sally=NULL, john=NULL)

dealcard <- function(game, player, deck="deck") {
    # Make sure the player specified is in the game
    stopifnot(player %in% names(game) && deck %in% names(game))

    # There needs to be a card to deal
    stopifnot(length(game[[deck]]) > 0)

    # Give the next card to the specified player
    game[[player]] <- c(game[[player]], game[[deck]][1])

    # Remove the card from the deck
    game[[deck]] <- game[[deck]][-1]

    # Return the new state of the game

# Give everyone a card
game <- dealcard(game, "dealer")
game <- dealcard(game, "sally")
game <- dealcard(game, "john")

这使用语法 list[["itemname"]]。列表项作为 字符串 传递。这相当于使用 $ 提取项目,即 list$itemname.

这里我们传入整个列表,只修改其中必要的部分,然后 returning 整个修改后的列表。将原始列表设置为等于 returned 值就像就地修改列表一样。

现在,如果您查看 game 的内容,每个玩家将拥有一张牌,并且牌组将缺少已分发的牌。




players <- names(game)[names(game) != "deck"]

for (i in 1:5) {
    for (player in players) {
        game <- dealcard(game, player)

再看看game。每个玩家有 5 张牌,由于循环是以这种方式构建的,因此发牌顺序模仿了标准纸牌游戏。

您可以 return 通过使用 "deck" 作为玩家和玩家作为牌组来将一张牌加入牌组,如下所示:

# John returns his first card to the deck
game <- dealcard(game, player="deck", deck="john")


# Example scoring
scorehand <- function(game, player) {

sapply(players, scorehand, game=game)

这将通过将 scorehand() 函数应用于向量 players 的每个元素来显示每个玩家的当前分数,向量 players 由玩家的名字组成。

