如何等待 HttpClient GetAsync 调用,直到它 returns C# 中的请求

How to wait for HttpClient GetAsync call until it returns the request in C#

我正在尝试通过 HttpClient 获取数据。数据大小不一,从几字节到几兆字节不等。我注意到很多次我的应用程序甚至在它 returns 来自 GetAsync 之前就存在了。我怎样才能等到 GetAsync 完成它的调用?来自主应用程序:-

        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
        // My app exist by printing this msg, wihout getting any data. 
        // someitmes it gets data and other times it gets notinng.
        // I used sleep to wait to get the call completed. 
        Console.WriteLine("\nBackup has done successfully in SQL database")

        public async void DoSaveAsync()
            using (var client = GetHttpClient(BaseAddress, path, ApiKey))
                Stream snapshot = await  GetData(client, path);

                if (snapshot != Stream.Null)
                    snapshot.Position = 0;

   private async Task<Stream> GetData(HttpClient client, string path)
        HttpResponseMessage response = null;
            response = await client.GetAsync(path);
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode == false)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get snapshot");
                return Stream.Null;
            return await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
        catch (Exception ex)
            return Stream.Null;


     // in my main app, I have this code. 
     // How can I get the completed task or any error return by the task here.

    public async Task<Stream> DoSaveAsync()
        using (var client = GetHttpClient(BaseAddress, SnapshotPath, ApiKey))
                Stream snapshot = await GetSnapshot(client, SnapshotPath);

                if (snapshot != Stream.Null)
                    snapshot.Position = 0;
                return snapshot;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;


由于该方法是异步的,backup.DoSaveAsync() 行只启动一个任务但不等待结果,因此您可以在任务之前调用 Console.ReadLine(并可能退出您的程序)完成了。你应该 return Task 而不是 void - 有一个 void 异步方法通常是糟糕的设计,你不必通过 await 等待 backup.DoSaveAsync() (如果你从异步调用方法),或者通过 .Wait()

此外,如果 GetData 出现错误,您不会 return DoSaveAsync 出现任何错误 - 您可能需要处理此问题,在当前代码中,您会打印 "Failed to get snapshot" 然后 "Backup has done successfully in SQL database"。考虑不使用 GetData 中的 Console.ReadLine 和 DoSaveAsync 中的 return 表示成功的任务

无需在此处放置 thread.sleep - 您已经在等待结果。