
Why does list initialization allow conversion from double to float values?

列表初始化({...} 语法)不允许缩小转换。例如,尝试用 3.14f 列表初始化 int i 会出现编译错误,因为从浮点值到整数的转换正在缩小:

<source>:11:32: error: narrowing conversion of '3.1400001e+0f' from 'float' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
     int i{3.14f};

话虽如此,为什么可以用3.14构造一个float f,它的类型是double? (从 doublefloat 的转换被认为是缩小的。)执行以下操作:

float f{3.14};


在被认为是缩小转换的列表中,适合目标类型的常量表达式是一个例外。因此,虽然通常 double 到 float 正在缩小,但当您的 double 实际上是文字时,这是允许的。


根据我手头的草稿(我认为接近 C++14):

8.5.4 List-initialization
(7.2) A narrowing conversion is an implicit conversion...
...from long double to double or float, or from double to float, except where the source is a constant expression and the actual value after conversion is within the range of values that can be represented (even if it cannot be represented exactly),