(Apache Wicket) 从 js 函数设置 java 属性

(Apache Wicket) Set java atrribute from a js function

我是 Apache Wicket 的新手,我需要在 Java 属性上设置值。该值来自 JS 上的 var,由特定 GIS 库 (https://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.draw/docs/leaflet-draw-latest.html) 中的特定函数填充。此设置必须由某些组件行为触发。



public class MapPage extends WebPage {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Integer coordinates;

// getters and setters


检票口 html:

<html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">

<!-- metas, scripts, and css imports -->

// component declarations

var coordinates = ''

map.on('draw:edited', function (e) {    

  e.layers.eachLayer(function(layer) {
    coordinates = toWKT(layer);
    // send coordinates to coordinates java attribute ??? how?? 



这是我的一个项目中的一段代码,我想在其中处理对 (HighCharts) 图表的点击。它将数据传递给 Wicket,然后 Wicket 更新另一个面板以显示与点击相关的详细信息。




    this.add( this.interactionbehavior = new AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior()

        protected void respond( final AjaxRequestTarget target )
            RequestCycle cycle = RequestCycle.get();
            WebRequest webRequest = (WebRequest) cycle.getRequest();
            String param1 = webRequest.getQueryParameters().getParameterValue( "mydict" ).toString( "" );
            //param1 contains the JSON map passed from javascript.
            //you can also do stuff now, like replacing components using ajax

        protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes )
            super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes );
            attributes.getExtraParameters().put( "mydict", "__PLACEHOLDER__" );

        public CharSequence getCallbackScript()
            String script = super.getCallbackScript().toString().replace( "\"__PLACEHOLDER__\"", "data" );
            return script;
    } );

您只需要在某个时刻将交互 url 传递到页面即可。为此,您可以在具有以下行为的组件中使用 renderHead

    public void renderHead( final IHeaderResponse response )
                //use the `setupCallback` to store the callback script somewhere.., I store it in 'interactionurl'
        String script = String.format(  " setupCallback(this.interactionbehavior.getCallbackScript()); "); 
        response.render( OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript( script ) 