使用 PushKit 的 voip 应用程序有什么好处?

what is the benefit to the voip apps using PushKit?

如果我将应用程序的通知从 APNs 更改为 Pushkit 有什么好处? 我试图从 developer.apple.com 了解 PushKit,但从文档中我只知道 PushKit 将代替我的应用程序从 background.But 调用我的应用程序,这有什么不同吗?只是提高电池寿命

关于 Apple Documentation,使用 PushKit 您将获得很多好处,例如在电池使用方面。但是,它应该只用于 VoIP 目的,否则,您的应用程序可能会被拒绝提交 AppStore。

  • The device is woken only when VoIP pushes occur, saving energy.

  • Unlike standard push notifications, which the user must respond to before your app can perform an action, VoIP pushes go straight to your app for processing.

  • VoIP pushes are considered high-priority notifications and are delivered without delay.

  • VoIP pushes can include more data than what is provided with standard push notifications.

  • Your app is automatically relaunched if it’s not running when a VoIP push is received.

  • Your app is given runtime to process a push, even if your app is operating in the background.