如何使用 PyPDF2 提取目录?

How can I extract the TOC with PyPDF2?

this pdf为例。我可以使用 dumppdf.py -T 1707.09725.pdf:

提取内容 (TOC) 的 table
    <outline level="1" title="1 Introduction">
            <list size="5">
                <ref id="513"/>
    <outline level="1" title="2 Convolutional Neural Networks">
            <list size="5">
                <ref id="554"/>

我可以用 PyPDF2 做类似的事情吗?


from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader

reader = PdfFileReader(open("1707.09725.pdf", 'rb'))



[{'/Title': '1 Introduction', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 742.911, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(513, 0)},
 {'/Title': '2 Convolutional Neural Networks', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 742.911, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(554, 0)}, [{'/Title': '2.1 Linear Image Filters', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 486.791, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(554, 0)},
 {'/Title': '2.2 CNN Layer Types', '/Left': 70.866, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 316.852, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(580, 0)},
[{'/Title': '2.2.1 Convolutional Layers', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 562.722, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(608, 0)},
 {'/Title': '2.2.2 Pooling Layers', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 299.817, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(654, 0)},
 {'/Title': '2.2.3 Dropout', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 742.911, '/Zoom': ..., '/Page': IndirectObject(689, 0)},
 {'/Title': '2.2.4 Normalization Layers', '/Left': 99.213, '/Type': '/XYZ', '/Top': 193.779, '/Zoom': <PyPDF2.generic.NullObject object at 0x7fbe49d14350>, '/Page': IndirectObject(689, 0)}]

或者,按照 this answer you can use pikepdf

from pikepdf import Pdf

path = "path/to/file.pdf"

with Pdf.open(path) as pdf:
    outline = pdf.open_outline()
    for title in outline.root:
        for subtitle in title.children:
            print('\t', subtitle)