如何在 G Suite 帐户中安装 Gmail 的开发者附加组件?

How to install developer add-ons for Gmail in G Suite accounts?

我可以设置 Apps 脚本项目来创建 gmail 附加组件,并可以使用 @gmail.com 帐户对其进行测试,但安装开发人员附加组件的选项没有出现在我的G Suite 帐户。

或者,如何将 gmail 插件部署到私有域?我试着按照这个 https://developers.google.com/apps-script/add-ons/domain-wide 但是如果我只选择了 'Gmail add-on extension' 复选框,它不会让我保存配置。


据我所知,Gmail 插件的部署仅限于选定的开发人员。


While you can't publish your add-on just yet, you can fill out this form to get notified when publishing is opened. We can’t wait to see what Gmail Add-ons you build!

最近(2018 年 1 月)在 G Suite 更新提醒博客上宣布了适用于 G Suite 帐户的新 Gmail 附加功能。

来自 https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2018/01/install-gmail-add-ons-for-your-domain.html

In addition, we’re making it easier for developers to design Gmail Add-ons specifically for their organizations. In the coming weeks, developers in your domain will notice two changes:

  • They’ll be able to install Gmail Add-ons for their own G Suite accounts before they’re published, to aid in the development process. Previously, this was limited to their personal Gmail accounts.
  • They’ll be able to publish Gmail Add-ons to users in their own G Suite domains. In addition, they'll be able to publish to the general public, after requesting and receiving publication permission.

Stay tuned to the G Suite Developers Blog to learn more about these two developer capabilities and when they’ve launched.

域用户现在可以发布专用于他们自己域的 Gmail 插件。此外,域私有附加组件不需要 Google 审查,您可以随意构建和发布它们。

