强制安装 Microsoft Edge 扩展企业环境

Force install Microsoft Edge extension enterprise environment

我正在尝试在企业管理环境中自动安装 Microsoft Edge 扩展:Google Chrome 允许此行为(选中 this post for further information), but it seems impossible to do the same for Edge (the Edge extension policy states that "The installation must be initiated and completed by the user, using only the user experience provided by Microsoft Edge and the Microsoft Store")。

编辑 5/8/20

基于 Chromium 的新版 Microsoft Edge 支持 GPO(参见 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-policies#extensioninstallforcelist

正如你所说,我认为这还不可能。您可以检查此 which also stated that installation of extensions for Microsoft Edge must be initiated and completed by the user. However, there's a suggestion to try Add-AppxPackage,它会将已签名的应用程序包 (.appx) 添加到用户帐户。只需确保包已签名,否则 Add-AppxPackage 将无法工作。

我已经能够使用 this guide 在托管环境中强制安装扩展。
不幸的是,当用户在配置扩展后第一次打开 Edge 时,会弹出一个弹出窗口,询问他是否要打开扩展,现在没有办法强制启用扩展。