spacy 是否将令牌列表作为输入?

Does spacy take as input a list of tokens?

我想在不使用词标记化的情况下使用 spacy 的词性标记、NER 和依赖项解析。事实上,我的输入是一个代表句子的标记列表,我想尊重用户的标记化。 这有可能吗,无论是 spacy 还是任何其他 NLP 包?

现在,我正在使用这个基于 spacy 的函数以 Conll 格式放置一个句子(一个 unicode 字符串):

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
def toConll(string_doc, nlp):
   doc = nlp(string_doc)
   block = []
   for i, word in enumerate(doc):
          if word.head == word:
                  head_idx = 0
                  head_idx = word.head.i - doc[0].i + 1
          head_idx = str(head_idx)
          line = [str(i+1), str(word), word.lemma_, word.tag_,
                      word.ent_type_, head_idx, word.dep_]
   return block
conll_format = toConll(u"Donald Trump is the new president of the United States of America")

[['1', 'Donald', u'donald', u'NNP', u'PERSON', '2', u'compound'],
 ['2', 'Trump', u'trump', u'NNP', u'PERSON', '3', u'nsubj'],
 ['3', 'is', u'be', u'VBZ', u'', '0', u'ROOT'],
 ['4', 'the', u'the', u'DT', u'', '6', u'det'],
 ['5', 'new', u'new', u'JJ', u'', '6', u'amod'],
 ['6', 'president', u'president', u'NN', u'', '3', u'attr'],
 ['7', 'of', u'of', u'IN', u'', '6', u'prep'],
 ['8', 'the', u'the', u'DT', u'GPE', '10', u'det'],
 ['9', 'United', u'united', u'NNP', u'GPE', '10', u'compound'],
 ['10', 'States', u'states', u'NNP', u'GPE', '7', u'pobj'],
 ['11', 'of', u'of', u'IN', u'GPE', '10', u'prep'],
 ['12', 'America', u'america', u'NNP', u'GPE', '11', u'pobj']]


您可以 运行 Spacy 的处理管道针对已经标记化的文本。不过,您需要了解,底层统计模型是在参考语料库上训练的,该参考语料库已使用某种策略进行标记化,如果您的标记化策略明显不同,您可能会预期性能会有所下降。

以下是使用 Spacy 2.0.5 和 Python 3 的方法。如果使用 Python 2,您可能需要使用 unicode 文字。

import spacy; nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
# spaces is a list of boolean values indicating if subsequent tokens
# are followed by any whitespace
# so, create a Spacy document with your tokenisation
doc = spacy.tokens.doc.Doc(
    nlp.vocab, words=['nuts', 'itch'], spaces=[True, False])
# run the standard pipeline against it
for name, proc in nlp.pipeline:
    doc = proc(doc)


import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
text="she went to school"
doc = nlp(words)
for token in doc:   
  token_i = token.i+1
  if token.i==token.head.i: head_i=0
  else: head_i = token.head.i+1
  items=[token_i,token.text, token.lemma_, token.tag_, token.pos_, "_", head_i, token.dep_,"_","_"]


[1, 'she', '-PRON-', 'PRP', 'PRON', '_', 2, 'nsubj', '_', '_']
[2, 'went', 'go', 'VBD', 'VERB', '_', 0, 'ROOT', '_', '_']
[3, 'to', 'to', 'IN', 'ADP', '_', 2, 'prep', '_', '_']
[4, 'school', 'school', 'NN', 'NOUN', '_', 3, 'pobj', '_', '_']