
Changing start dates of schedules to optimize resources



# Function to shift/rotate a vector
shifter <- function(x, n = 1) {
  if (n == 0) x else c(tail(x, -n), head(x, n))

# Getting a range of dates
get_date_range <- function(current_date = Sys.Date(), next_planned_date = Sys.Date() + 5)
  seq.Date(as.Date(current_date), as.Date(next_planned_date), "days")

假设一个玩具示例数据集:: 这里任务 P1 从 14 日开始,而 P2 从 15 日开始。零值意味着当天没有为该任务完成任何工作。

datain = data.frame(dated = c("2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17"), 
                    P1 = c(1,2,0,3), P2 = c(0,4,0,6)) %>%
  mutate(dated = as.character(dated)) 

#The amount of resources that can be  used in a day
max_work = 4

# We will use all the possible combination of start dates to 
# search for the best one
possible_start_dates <- do.call(expand.grid, date_range_of_all)

# Utilisation stores the capacity used during each 
# combination of start dates
# We will use the minimum of thse utilisation
utilisation <- NULL # utilisation difference; absolute value
utilisation_act <-  NULL # actual utilisation including negative utilisation

# copy of data for making changes
ndatain <- datain
# Move data across possible start dates and 
# calculate the possible utilisation in each movements
for(i in 1:nrow(possible_start_dates)) # for every combination
  for(j in 1:ncol(possible_start_dates)) # for every plan
    # Number of days that are different
    days_diff = difftime(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j], 
                         possible_start_dates[i,j], tz = "UTC", units = "days" ) %>% as.numeric()
    # Move the start dates
    ndatain[, (j+1)] <- shifter(datain[, (j+1)], days_diff)
  if(is.null(utilisation)) # first iteration
    # calculate the utilisation
    utilisation = c(i, abs(max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated))))
    utilisation_act <- c(i, max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated)))
  }else{ # everything except first iteration
    utilisation = rbind(utilisation, c(i,abs(max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated)))))
    utilisation_act <- rbind(utilisation_act, c(i, max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated))))


# convert matrix to dataframe 
row.names(utilisation) <-  paste0("Row", 1:nrow(utilisation))
utilisation <- as.data.frame(utilisation)

row.names(utilisation_act) <-  paste0("Row", 1:nrow(utilisation_act))
utilisation_act <- as.data.frame(utilisation_act)

# Total utilisation
tot_util = rowSums(utilisation[-1])

# replace negative utilisation with zero
utilisation_act[utilisation_act < 0]  <- 0
tot_util_act = rowSums(utilisation_act[-1])

# Index of all possible start dates producing minimum utilization changes
indx_min_all = which(min(tot_util) == tot_util)
indx_min_all_act = which(min(tot_util_act) == tot_util_act)

# The minimum possible dates that are minimum of actual utilisation
candidate_dates <- possible_start_dates[intersect(indx_min_all, indx_min_all_act), ]

# Now check which of them are closest to the current starting dates; so that the movement is not much
time_diff <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(candidate_dates))
  # we will add this value in inner loop so here we 
  timediff_indv <- 0
  for(j in 1:ncol(candidate_dates))
    diff_days <- difftime(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j], 
                          candidate_dates[i,j], tz = "UTC", units = "days" ) %>% as.numeric()
    # print(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j])
    # print(candidate_dates[i,j])
    # print(diff_days)

    timediff_indv <- timediff_indv + diff_days
  time_diff <- c(time_diff, timediff_indv)

# Alternatives
fin_dates  <-  candidate_dates[min(time_diff) == time_diff, ]

以上代码运行良好并产生了预期的输出;但是它不能很好地扩展。我有非常大的数据集(两年的工作价值和超过一千个不同的任务在间隔中重复)并且搜索每个可能的组合不是一个可行的选择。有什么方法可以将此问题表述为标准优化问题并使用 RglpkRcplex 或一些更好的解决方案。感谢您的投入。

这是我有史以来最长的 Whosebug 答案,但我真的很喜欢优化问题。这是所谓的单台机器作业车间问题的变体,如果您首先将其表述为 LP 模型 ,则可以使用 Rcplex 解决该问题。然而,这些公式通常 缩放不佳 并且计算时间可能呈指数增长,具体取决于公式。对于大问题,通常使用heuristic, for example a genetic algorithm,这是我在这种情况下经常使用的。它不保证提供最佳解决方案,但它使我们能够更好地控制性能与运行时间,并且该解决方案通常可以很好地扩展。基本上,它通过创建大量随机解决方案(称为总体)来工作。然后我们通过组合解决方案来迭代更新这个种群'offspring',其中更好的解决方案应该有更高的产生后代的概率。


示例实现的代码如下所示。我生成了 200 天和 80 任务的一些数据。它在我的笔记本电脑上运行大约 10 秒,将随机解决方案的分数从 2634 提高了 65%913。输入 700 天和 1000 任务后,该算法仍会在几分钟内以相同的参数运行。


我还包括了 use_your_own_sample_data,您可以将其设置为 TRUE 让算法解决一个更简单和更小的例子,以确认它给出了预期的输出:

     dated P1 P2 P3 P4 P5                dated P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
2018-12-14  0  0  0  0  0           2018-12-14  0  0  3  1  0
2018-12-15  0  0  0  0  0           2018-12-15  0  3  0  0  1
2018-12-16  0  0  0  0  0   ---->   2018-12-16  0  0  3  1  0
2018-12-17  0  3  3  1  1           2018-12-17  0  3  0  0  1
2018-12-18  4  0  0  0  0           2018-12-18  4  0  0  0  0
2018-12-19  4  3  3  1  1           2018-12-19  4  0  0  0  0



### PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------

n_population = 100 # the number of solutions in a population
n_iterations = 100 # The number of iterations
n_offspring_per_iter = 80 # number of offspring to create per iteration
max_shift_days = 20 # Maximum number of days we can shift a task forward
frac_perm_init = 0.25 # fraction of columns to change from default solution while creating initial solutions
early_stopping_rounds = 100 # Stop if score not improved for this amount of iterations
capacity_per_day = 4

use_your_own_sample_data = FALSE # set to TRUE to use your own test case

### SAMPLE DATA -------------------------------------------------
# datain should contain the following columns:
# dated: A column with sequential dates
# P1, P2, ...: columns with values for workload of task x per date

n_days = 200
n_tasks = 80

  # my sample data:
  datain = data.frame(dated = seq(Sys.Date()-n_days,Sys.Date(),1))
  # add some random tasks
  for(i in 1:n_tasks)
    datain[[paste0('P',i)]] = rep(0,nrow(datain))
    rand_start = sample(seq(1,nrow(datain)-5),1)
    datain[[paste0('P',i)]][seq(rand_start,rand_start+4)] = sample(0:5,5,replace = T)
}  else 
  # your sample data:
  datain = data.frame(dated = c("2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17","2018-12-18","2018-12-19"), 
                      P1 = c(0,0,0,0,4,4), P2 = c(0,0,0,3,0,3), P3=c(0,0,0,3,0,3), P4=c(0,0,0,1,0,1),P5=c(0,0,0,1,0,1)) %>%
    mutate(dated = as.Date(dated,format='%Y-%m-%d')) 
tasks = setdiff(colnames(datain),c("dated","capacity")) # a list of all tasks
# the following vector contains for each task its maximum start date
max_date_per_task = lapply(datain[,tasks],function(x) datain$dated[which(x>0)[1]])

### ALL OUR PREDEFINED FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------

# helper function to shift a task
shifter <- function(x, n = 1) {
  if (n == 0) x else c(tail(x, n), head(x, -n))

# Score a solution
# We calculate the score by taking the sum of the squares of our overcapacity (so we punish very large overcapacity on a day)
score_solution <- function(solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
  cap_left = capacity_per_day-rowSums(solution[,tasks]) # calculate spare capacity
  over_capacity = sum(cap_left[cap_left<0]^2) # sum of squares of overcapacity (negatives)

# Merge solutions
# Get approx. 50% of tasks from solution1, and the remaining tasks from solution 2.
merge_solutions <- function(solution1,solution2,tasks)
  tasks_from_solution_1 = sample(tasks,round(length(tasks)/2))
  tasks_from_solution_2 = setdiff(tasks,tasks_from_solution_1)
  new_solution = cbind(solution1[,'dated',drop=F],solution1[,tasks_from_solution_1,drop=F],solution2[,tasks_from_solution_2,drop=F])

# Randomize solution
# Create an initial solution
randomize_solution <- function(solution,max_date_per_task,tasks,tasks_to_change=1/8)
  # select some tasks to reschedule
  tasks_to_change = max(1, round(length(tasks)*tasks_to_change))
  selected_tasks <- sample(tasks,tasks_to_change)
  for(task in selected_tasks)
    # shift task between 14 and 0 days forward
    new_start_date <- sample(seq(max_date_per_task[[task]]-max_shift_days,max_date_per_task[[task]],by='day'),1)
    new_start_date <- max(new_start_date,min(solution$dated))
    solution[,task] = shifter(solution[,task],as.numeric(new_start_date-max_date_per_task[[task]]))

# sort population based on scores
sort_pop <- function(population)
  return(population[order(sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]}),decreasing = F)])

# return the scores of a population
pop_scores <- function(population)
  sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]})

### RUN SCRIPT -------------------------------

# starting score
print(paste0('Starting score: ',score_solution(datain,tasks,capacity_per_day)))

# Create initial population
population = vector('list',n_population)
for(i in 1:n_population)
  # create initial solutions by making changes to the initial solution 
  solution = randomize_solution(datain,max_date_per_task,tasks,frac_perm_init)
  score = score_solution(solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
  population[[i]] = list('solution' = solution,'score'= score)

population = sort_pop(population)

score_per_iteration <- score_solution(datain,tasks,capacity_per_day)
# Run the algorithm
for(i in 1:n_iterations)
  print(paste0('\n---- Iteration',i,' -----\n'))

  # create some random perturbations in the population
  for(j in 1:10)
    sol_to_change = sample(2:n_population,1)
    new_solution <- randomize_solution(population[[sol_to_change]][['solution']],max_date_per_task,tasks)
    new_score <- score_solution(new_solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
    population[[sol_to_change]] <- list('solution' = new_solution,'score'= new_score)

  # Create offspring, first determine which solutions to combine
  # determine the probability that a solution will be selected to create offspring (some smoothing)
  probs = sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]})
  if(max(probs)==min(probs)){stop('No diversity in population left')}
  probs = 1-(probs-min(probs))/(max(probs)-min(probs))+0.2
  # create combinations
  solutions_to_combine = lapply(1:n_offspring_per_iter, function(y){
    sample(seq(length(population)),2,prob = probs)})
  for(j in 1:n_offspring_per_iter)
    new_solution <- merge_solutions(population[[solutions_to_combine[[j]][1]]][['solution']],
    new_score <- score_solution(new_solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
    population[[length(population)+1]] <- list('solution' = new_solution,'score'= new_score)
  population = sort_pop(population)
  population= population[1:n_population]
  print(paste0('Best score:',population[[1]]['score']))
  score_per_iteration = c(score_per_iteration,population[[1]]['score'])
    if(score_per_iteration[[i]] == score_per_iteration[[i-10]])
      stop(paste0("Score not improved in the past ",early_stopping_rounds," rounds. Halting algorithm."))

plot(x=seq(0,length(score_per_iteration)-1),y=score_per_iteration,xlab = 'iteration',ylab='score')
final_solution = population[[1]][['solution']]


final_solution = population[[1]][['solution']]

# number of days with workload higher than 10 in initial solution
> 19

# number of days with workload higher than 10 in our solution
> 1