可能的组合和转换成字母算法 - Javascript(由 Facebook 询问)

Possible combinations and convert into alphabet algorithm - Javascript (asked by Facebook)


Facebook 问的


给定映射 a = 1,b = 2,... z = 26,以及一条编码消息,计算可以解码的方式数。

例如,消息“111”会给出 3,因为它可以解码为“aaa”、'ka' 和 'ak'。



function combinations(str) {
var fn = function(active, rest, a) {

    // if nothing, just return
    if (!active && !rest)

    // there is nothing left in rest add active to A
    if (rest.length == 0) {
    } else {

        // append first number of rest to the end of the active item
        // [1] + 1 => 111
        // [1,2] + [3,4] = [1,2,3] + [4]
        if (rest.length > 0){
            fn(active.concat(rest[0]), rest.slice(1), a);
        }else {}

        // join 

        fn((active+rest[0]).split(","), rest.slice(1), a);
    return a;
  return fn([], str, []);

// run it


[ [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ '1', '23' ],
[ '12', 3 ],
[ '123' ],
[ '1', 2, 3 ],
[ '1', '23' ],
[ '12', 3 ],
[ '123' ] ]

查看重复项。我想我现在可以除以 2 并得到我想要的答案。这仍然不是一个好的答案。




在这种情况下,我们不需要实际创建组合来计算它们。我们可以使用 dynamic programming.

f(i) 表示解码字符串 S 中消息的有效方式的数量,直至并包括索引 i 处的字符(从零开始)。那么:

f(0)  = 1
f(i)  =
   if S[i] > 6 or S[i-1] > 2:
     // Nothing changes, we just
     // added a letter

     // All the ways to decode
     // up to (i-1) plus all the
     // ways to decode up to (i-2)
     // (let f(-1) equal 1)
     f(i-1) + f(i-2)


S = "123"

f(0) = 1
f(1) = f(0) + f(-1) = 2
f(2) = f(1) + f(0) = 3

这个过程的复杂度是 O(n) 时间和 O(1) space。

我将@גלעד ברקן 的回答更改为 javascript,希望它不会破坏任何东西,而且我认为它正在运行。

const Number = 11222;
let sum = 0;

const AlphabetGen = (i) => {

if(i == 0 ){
    sum =+ 1;
}else if ((Number[i] > 6) || (Number[i-1] > 3)){

    sum =+ AlphabetGen(i-1);
}else if(i > 0){
    if(i > 1){
        sum =+ AlphabetGen (i-1) + AlphabetGen(i-2);

    }else if (i == 1){
        sum =+ AlphabetGen (0) + 1


return sum;


我在 JavaScript 中使用简单迭代器对此的看法:

let processString = ( message, possibleWays = 0 ) => {
  if ( message.length ) {
    // First decode using single digit.
    // Shorten string by one and process again.
    possibleWays = processString( message.slice( 1 ,message.length), possibleWays );

    // Then check if current digit can be combined
    // with the next digit for cases like '11' for J, '12' for K, etc.
    const numCurr = parseInt( message[0] );
    const numNext = "undefined" === typeof message[1] ? null : parseInt(message[1]);

    if ( numCurr && numNext
        && numCurr < 3 // first digit can't be more that 2 as 26 letter max.
        && ( numCurr + numNext ) < 27 // sum of two should be < 26 as 26 letter max.
    ) {
      // Shorten string by two and process again.
      possibleWays = processString( message.slice( 2 ,message.length), possibleWays );
  } else {
    // Reached end of the string: + 1 possible way to decode it.

  return possibleWays;

console.log( 'Total number of decoding possbilities: ' + processString('12325') );