如何使用类似于 beanstalkd 的 cli 将 Redis 作为队列引擎进行监控?

How to monitor Redis as a queue engine using cli similar to beanstalkd?


我们在两个 ec2 实例上使用了 Laravel Queues on top of beanstalkd(在负载均衡器后面)。随着系统的扩展,我们决定使用 redis 而不是 beanstalkd,并将其托管在 AWS 弹性缓存实例(具有一个主节点和两个副本的集群)上。

使用beanstalkd,我使用beanstalk utilities来监控队列的健康状况;例如,如果队列堵塞,我可以很容易地通过 运行 这样的命令看到:

./beanstalk-queue-stats.rb localhost:11300

哪个 return 像这样

2018-01-10 11:08:38 +0000
 - cmd-delete = 32678 (+32678)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 5 (+5)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 2 (+2)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 32678 (+32678)
 - cmd-delete = 116005 (+116005)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 9 (+9)
 - current-jobs-ready = 1117 (+1117)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 0 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 1 (+1)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 117131 (+117131)
 - cmd-delete = 0 (0)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 0 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 1 (+1)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 0 (0)
 - cmd-delete = 0 (0)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 0 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 1 (+1)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 0 (0)
2018-01-10 11:08:48 +0000
 - cmd-delete = 32678 (0)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 5 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 2 (0)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 32678 (0)
 - cmd-delete = 116005 (0)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 9 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 1117 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 0 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 1 (0)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 117131 (0)
 - cmd-delete = 0 (0)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 0 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 1 (0)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 0 (0)
 - cmd-delete = 0 (0)
 - cmd-pause-tube = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-buried = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-delayed = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-ready = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-reserved = 0 (0)
 - current-jobs-urgent = 0 (0)
 - current-using = 0 (0)
 - current-waiting = 0 (0)
 - current-watching = 1 (0)
 - pause = 0 (0)
 - pause-time-left = 0 (0)
 - total-jobs = 0 (0)


我想在 Redis 上做同样的事情;我可以远程登录到 Redis 并输入 keys *,这会给我队列:

keys *





(注意它如何很好地映射到上面 beanstalkd 输出中的队列)。然而,如果我想查看特定队列,那么我的运气就到此为止了,然后输入:

dump queues:high    


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考虑到 dump command 只是序列化 "Redis specific format" 中的值,这是有道理的。


GUI 工具 ❌

一个选项是使用 gui tool but since my Redis is sitting behind a VPC, setting that up would be a pain 简单地查看 Redis,但无论如何都不适合生产(参见相同的 link 限制)。

CLI 工具 ❌

This tool relies on the rdb file format, which is more about looking at the content of your entire Redis (I feel it's more about using Redis as a long term storage 而不是一些队列,所以我不觉得合适)。


修复方法是使用此命令在我的本地计算机上简单地打开一个 ssh 隧道

ssh -N -L 1234:amazon.elastic.cache.redis.instance:6379 forge@ip.of.remote.server -i /Users/Shared/.ssh/secret_file.pub


然后我安装了这个开源的 redis gui 工具:https://github.com/luin/medis


Redis 的另一个 GUI 是 Redis Desktop manager

它在 windows、Mac 和 linux 上可用。 它还支持SSH连接