C# Windows UWP Gatt 服务器:请求对象始终为 NULL

C# Windows UWP Gatt Server: Request object always NULL

根据 Microsoft 文档站点:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/devices-sensors/gatt-server

,我在 Windows 上实施了 GATT 服务器

服务器启动,我可以在我的 Android phone.

上使用不同的蓝牙 LE 浏览器发现创建的服务和特征

但是当客户端向 Windows 上的 GATT 服务器发出读取或写入请求时出现问题(已安装 Creators Update)。

async void ReadCharacteristic_ReadRequested(GattLocalCharacteristic sender, GattReadRequestedEventArgs args) {
  var deferral = args.GetDeferral();

  // Our familiar friend - DataWriter.
  var writer = new DataWriter();
  // populate writer w/ some data. 
  // ... 

  var request = await args.GetRequestAsync();



var request = await args.GetRequestAsync();

有谁知道我做错了什么?为什么请求对象总是NULL? Microsoft 站点上的示例代码是否不完整? 有人有 Windows UWP 上 GATT 服务器的工作示例吗?

提前致谢, 克里斯蒂安

查看官方样本BluetoothLE and the server code is in Scenario3_ServerForeground。请参阅其ResultCharacteristic_ReadRequestedAsync方法作为参考。

private async void ResultCharacteristic_ReadRequestedAsync(GattLocalCharacteristic sender, GattReadRequestedEventArgs args)
    // BT_Code: Process a read request. 
    using (args.GetDeferral())
        await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunTaskAsync(async () =>
            // Get the request information.  This requires device access before an app can access the device's request. 
            GattReadRequest request = await args.GetRequestAsync();
            if (request == null)
                // No access allowed to the device.  Application should indicate this to the user.
                rootPage.NotifyUser("Access to device not allowed", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);

            var writer = new DataWriter();
            writer.ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian;

            // Can get details about the request such as the size and offset, 
            //as well as monitor the state to see if it has been completed/cancelled externally.
            // request.Offset
            // request.Length
            // request.State
            // request.StateChanged += <Handler>

            // Gatt code to handle the response

我运行遇到了同样的问题。事实证明,为了 send/receive 数据,您需要在 Package.appxmanifest 文件中的功能下启用蓝牙。

这很明显,但是在我看到的任何教程、CH9 视频或文档中都没有指示需要这样做。
