使用 Network.getAllByName 执行特定于网络的主机名解析

Perform network-specific host name resolutions using Network.getAllByName

在 ConnectivityManager 文档中,在 bindProcessToNetwork javadoc 中,有以下注释:

Using individually bound Sockets created by Network.getSocketFactory().createSocket() and performing network-specific host name resolutions via Network.getAllByName is preferred to calling bindProcessToNetwork.



好的,所以我终于找到了如何执行它。 正如我在问题中所说,我正在使用 OkHttpClient 来设置我的 socketfactory。名称解析也是一样,使用dns(需要OkHttp3)。

OkHttpClient.Builder httpBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder()

我的 NetworkDns class 正在寻找类似的东西

public class NetworkDns implements Dns {

  private static NetworkDns sInstance;
  private Network mNetwork;

  public static NetworkDns getInstance() {
    if (sInstance == null) {
      sInstance = new NetworkDns();
    return sInstance;

  public void setNetwork(Network network) {
    mNetwork = network;

  public List<InetAddress> lookup(String hostname) throws UnknownHostException {
    if (mNetwork != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
      return Arrays.asList(mNetwork.getAllByName(hostname));
    return SYSTEM.lookup(hostname);

  private NetworkDns() {
