MacOS 上的 Jenkins Publish Over SSH 插件限制为 130MB 并冻结

Jenkins Publish Over SSH Plugin on MacOS limits to 130MB and frezze

在 Jenkins test 项目中,我在执行 shell 中:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=ios_512MB bs=531628032 count=1

并且我已经检查并配置了 Send files or execute commands over SSH after the build runs

当我 运行 我看到:

Started by user X
Building remotely on ios in workspace /data/workspace/test
[test] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/9b/s86tztx90bb9c_73gtynfzx80000gn/T/
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=ios_512MB bs=531628032 count=1

1+0 records in
1+0 records out
531628032 bytes transferred in 44.384345 secs (11977828 bytes/sec)
SSH: Connecting from host [jenkins2.local]
SSH: Connecting with configuration [jenkins.builds] ...

我在网络流量上看到这个连接,它停止了。在 sftp 上我有:

ls -lh
-rw------- 1 10048 10047 130M Apr 16 09:56 ios_512MB

在 windows/ubuntu 上一切正常。如何解决?

已通过执行修复 Shell:

echo "mkdir ${short}/${date}
mkdir ${short}/${date}/${RANDSTR}
put ${WORKSPACE}${location}${n}${format} ${short}/${date}/${RANDSTR}/
put ${WORKSPACE}${location}${n}.html ${short}/${date}/${RANDSTR}/" | sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P 2222 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa