DXGI 1.5 DuplicateOutput1 失败并显示 DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED (0x887a0004)
DXGI 1.5 DuplicateOutput1 fails with DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED (0x887a0004)
由于某些原因 DuplicateOutput1
失败,而 DuplicateOutput
#include <D3D11.h>
#include <DXGI1_5.h>
int main() {
ID3D11Device *device;
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL levels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 };
D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, NULL, 0, levels, ARRAYSIZE(levels), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &device, NULL, NULL);
IDXGIDevice *dxDevice;
IDXGIAdapter *adapter;
IDXGIOutput *output;
adapter->EnumOutputs(0, &output);
IDXGIOutput5 *output5;
IDXGIOutputDuplication *outputDuplication;
auto hr1 = output5->DuplicateOutput(device, &outputDuplication);
const DXGI_FORMAT formats[] = { DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM };
auto hr2 = output5->DuplicateOutput1(device, 0, ARRAYSIZE(formats), formats, &outputDuplication);
0x887a0004: 此系统不支持指定的设备接口或功能级别。
如果您 运行 在同时具有集成图形芯片和独立 GPU 的系统上,可能会发生这种情况。见 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3019314:
unfortunately this issue occurs because the Desktop Duplication API does not support being run against the discrete GPU on a Microsoft Hybrid system. By design, the call fails together with error code DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED in such a scenario.
To work around this issue, run the application on the integrated GPU instead of on the discrete GPU on a Microsoft Hybrid system.
我会post这里是@weggo 的回答,因为我差点错过了!
For those that might stumble upon this in the future, calling
allows the DuplicateOutput1 to succeed. I have no idea why the
DuplicateOutput1 checks the process dpi version, though.
我只想补充一点,您必须在清单设置中的解决方案属性中将 DPI 感知设置为 False,才能使 SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext 正常工作:)
由于某些原因 DuplicateOutput1
失败,而 DuplicateOutput
#include <D3D11.h>
#include <DXGI1_5.h>
int main() {
ID3D11Device *device;
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL levels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 };
D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, NULL, 0, levels, ARRAYSIZE(levels), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &device, NULL, NULL);
IDXGIDevice *dxDevice;
IDXGIAdapter *adapter;
IDXGIOutput *output;
adapter->EnumOutputs(0, &output);
IDXGIOutput5 *output5;
IDXGIOutputDuplication *outputDuplication;
auto hr1 = output5->DuplicateOutput(device, &outputDuplication);
const DXGI_FORMAT formats[] = { DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM };
auto hr2 = output5->DuplicateOutput1(device, 0, ARRAYSIZE(formats), formats, &outputDuplication);
0x887a0004: 此系统不支持指定的设备接口或功能级别。
如果您 运行 在同时具有集成图形芯片和独立 GPU 的系统上,可能会发生这种情况。见 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3019314:
unfortunately this issue occurs because the Desktop Duplication API does not support being run against the discrete GPU on a Microsoft Hybrid system. By design, the call fails together with error code DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED in such a scenario.
To work around this issue, run the application on the integrated GPU instead of on the discrete GPU on a Microsoft Hybrid system.
我会post这里是@weggo 的回答,因为我差点错过了!
For those that might stumble upon this in the future, calling SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2) allows the DuplicateOutput1 to succeed. I have no idea why the DuplicateOutput1 checks the process dpi version, though.
我只想补充一点,您必须在清单设置中的解决方案属性中将 DPI 感知设置为 False,才能使 SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext 正常工作:)