使用 ShellExecute 从 Delphi 执行任务

Task Execution from Delphi using ShellExecute

几天来,我一直在尝试弄清楚如何使用 ShellExecute 在 Delphi 中执行具有指定任务的 ExeFile。下面是我的最新代码,给出了我的错误 "The specified file was not found":

    procedure TfrmGTX.btnQuickBooksSyncClick(Sender: TObject);
      ExecuteResult : integer;
      Path : string;
      Path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath('MyApp.exe'));
      ExecuteResult := ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar(Path + 'cd C:\Program Files                                              
       (x86)\Folder1\Folder2\MyApp.exe a_Sales /Connect'), nil, nil, 
      case ExecuteResult of
          0 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The 
              operating system is out of memory or resources.');
          2 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The 
              specified file was not found.');
          3 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The 
              specified path was not found.');
          5 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Windows 95 
              only: The operating system denied access to the specified 
          8 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Windows 95 
              only: There was not enough memory to complete the operation.');
          10 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Wrong 
               Windows version.');
          11 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The .EXE 
               file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).');
          12 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Application  
               was designed for a different operating system.');
          13 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Application  
               was designed for MS-DOS 4.0.');
          15 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Attempt to 
               load a real-mode program.');
          16 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Attempt to 
               load a second instance of an application with non-readonly data 
          19 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Attempt to 
               load a compressed application file.');
          20 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Dynamic- 
               link library (DLL) file failure.');
          26 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': A sharing 
               violation occurred.');
          27 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The 
               filename association is incomplete or invalid.');
          28 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The DDE 
               transaction could not be completed because the request timed 
          29 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The DDE 
               transaction failed.');
          30 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': The DDE 
               transaction could not be completed because other DDE 
               transactions were being processed.');
          31 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': There is no 
               application associated with the given filename extension.');
          32 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(ExecuteResult) + ': Windows 95 
               only: The specified dynamic-link library was not found.');
        else ShowMessage('Unknown Error.');





解决方案:我删除了IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter 和ExtractFilePath,使用了ShellExecuteEx,并更正了参数。就是这样,能够解决问题。

    procedure TfrmGTX.btnQBSyncClick(Sender: TObject);
      FileName, Parameters, Folder, Directory: string;
      sei: TShellExecuteInfo;
      Error: DWORD;
      OK: boolean;
      Folder := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Folder1\Folder2\';
      FileName := Folder + 'MyApp';
      Parameters := 'MyTask';
      ZeroMemory(@sei, SizeOf(sei));
      sei.cbSize := SizeOf(sei);
      sei.lpFile := PChar(FileName);
      sei.lpParameters := PChar(Parameters);
      sei.lpDirectory := PChar(Folder);
      sei.nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL;
      OK := ShellExecuteEx(@sei);
      if not OK then
          Error := GetLastError;
          case Error of
              0 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The operating system is out of memory or resources.');
              2 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The specified file was not found.');
              3 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The specified path was not found.');
              5 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Windows 95 only: The operating system denied access to the specified file.');
              8 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Windows 95 only: There was not enough memory to complete the operation.');
              10 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Wrong Windows version.');
              11 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).');
              12 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Application was designed for a different operating system.');
              13 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0.');
              15 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Attempt to load a real-mode program.');
              16 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Attempt to load a second instance of an application with non-readonly data segments.');
              19 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Attempt to load a compressed application file.');
              20 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Dynamic-link library (DLL) file failure.');
              26 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': A sharing violation occurred.');
              27 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The filename association is incomplete or invalid.');
              28 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.');
              29 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The DDE transaction failed.');
              30 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.');
              31 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': There is no application associated with the given filename extension.');
              32 : ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(Error) + ': Windows 95 only: The specified dynamic-link library was not found.');
            else ShowMessage('Unknown Error.');

您的 ShellExecute 内容无效。如果必须更改目录,请先使用 CHDIR 命令。

此外,您应该将参数作为参数传递给 ShellExecute 调用。


 ExecuteResult := ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar('C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 18.0\qbw32.exe'), pchar('a_Sales /Connect'), nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

我创建了 3 个不同的函数并根据需要使用它们:

function ExecWithShellExecute(AName, CLine: string; run_mode: string; var iErr: int64): boolean;
  if run_mode = '' then
    run_mode := 'open';
  iErr := ShellExecute(Handle, PWideChar(run_mode), PWideChar(AName), PWideChar(CLine),
             PWideChar(ExtractFilePath(AName)), SW_HIDE);
  Result := iErr > 32;

function ExecWithShell(AName, CLine: string; run_mode: string;
    var hProcess: DWord; var iErr: int64): boolean;
  ShExecInfo: TShellExecuteInfo;
  Result := False;
  hProcess := 0;
  ZeroMemory(@ShExecInfo, SizeOf(ShExecInfo));
  ShExecInfo.cbSize := sizeof(ShExecInfo);
  if run_mode = '' then
    ShExecInfo.lpVerb := nil
    ShExecInfo.lpVerb := PWideChar(run_mode);  
  ShExecInfo.lpFile := PWideChar(AName);
  ShExecInfo.lpParameters := PWideChar(CLine);
  ShExecInfo.lpDirectory := PWideChar(ExtractFilePath(AName));
  ShExecInfo.nShow := SW_HIDE;
  ShExecInfo.hInstApp := 0;
  if ShellExecuteEx(@ShExecInfo) then
    hProcess := ShExecInfo.hProcess;
    Result := hProcess > 0;
  end else
    iErr := GetLastError;

function ExecWithCmdLine(AName, CLine: string;
    var pInfo: TProcessInformation; var iErr: int64): boolean;
  sInfo: TStartupInfo;
  AppName, AppWDir, CmdLine: string;
  AppName := AName; //Full path & name of Your App.
  AppWDir := ExtractFileDir(AppName);
  CmdLine := ' ' + CLine;
  ZeroMemory(@pInfo, SizeOf(pInfo));
  ZeroMemory(@sInfo, sizeof(TStartupInfo));
  sInfo.cb      :=  sizeof(TStartupInfo);
  Result := CreateProcess(PWideChar(AppName), PWideChar(CmdLine), nil, nil, False,
                CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE or
                CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP  or
                NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS or
                nil, PWideChar(AppWDir), sInfo, pInfo);
  if not Result then
    iErr := GetLastError;