我应该如何使用 Ripple-lib 或官方 api 正确创建 Ripple 纸钱包?

How should I properly create a Ripple Paper Wallet using Ripple-lib or an official api?

我正在尝试使用官方 Ripple Api、ripple-lib 创建一个纸钱包。

generateAddress() 接受一些参数。

'use strict';
const RippleAPI = require('ripple-lib').RippleAPI;

const api = new RippleAPI({
  server: 'wss://s1.ripple.com' // Public rippled server
api.connect().then(() => {
  return api.generateAddress();
}).then(info => {
  console.log('getAccountInfo done');

  /* end custom code -------------------------------------- */
}).then(() => {
  return api.disconnect();
}).then(() => {
  console.log('done and disconnected.');


  secret: 'sheWb..................HRyLhk',
  address: 'rNLJ.......................qu3nbb'

好的。现在我已经创建了我的帐户。如果我用 20XRP 储备为其提供资金,它将成为一个活跃的 Ripple 账户。耶!



编辑: 我认为现在传递给 generateAddress() 的选项对象与传递给此处描述的构造函数 RippleApi() 的选项参数相同 https://ripple.com/build/rippleapi/#parameters 有人可以确认这一点吗?



实际上,只有 secret 就足够了,因为你可以从 secret[=71] 中得到一个 address =].


在 Ripple 中,您不必为每个新帐户都使用一个新帐户 order/user。对于每个新交易,您可以使用 目标标签 。这就是您识别 customer/order 的方式。 Ripple 还支持密钥轮换,因此如果 主密钥 暴露了,您可以禁用它并使用 常规密钥 。在最佳实践中,您分配一个 常规密钥 并使用它在线签署交易,而主密钥始终处于离线状态。如果常规密钥暴露,您可以用新的常规密钥替换它。

在 ripple 中,您可以使用 keypair(public 密钥 + 私钥)或 secret 签署交易.

您可以在此处获取 ripple 的密钥对 https://iancoleman.io/bip39/

ripple-lib 的 generateAddress() 给你:

1) 涟漪地址(您的public地址)以r


你可以分享它,它可以用来给你付款。 您可以在资源管理器中搜索public地址。


2) 秘密 - 主密钥,将用于签署交易。

3) 您还可以分配一个 常规键 (https://developers.ripple.com/assign-a-regular-key-pair.html)

Options 只有两个参数:

  • algorithm 字符串,生成地址的数字签名算法。可以是 ecdsa-secp256k1(默认)或 ed25519.

  • entropy array\integer,用于生成种子的熵。


The generateAddress() methods accepts three parameters. Described here: https://ripple.com/build/rippleapi/#generateaddress But I don't have a clue on how to write those parameters. I'm interested on this because I think that in the first parameter, the "options" object is where I could define the passphrase for the secret key. Maybe I'm wrong.

下面是一些 javascript 代码,用于演示将熵输入 generateAddress 方法。

// This functions works on modern browswers, not sure about Node.js. Try https://www.npmjs.com/package/js-sha512 or https://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html
async function fun_SHA512_array(entropy) {
    'use strict';

    // Turns a string into an array of integers.
    // Made possible by https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto/digest

    const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(entropy);                           // encode as (utf-8) Uint8Array
    const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-512', msgUint8);           // hash the message
    const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));                     // convert buffer to byte array
    // const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); // convert bytes to hex string

    return hashArray;

const str_entropy = "Use a cryptographically strong, randomly created string of characters here.";
// Or, your passphrase string would go here.
// Or, you could use a BIP39 Mnemonic but you'd have to remember how you constructed the string. e.g. Did you separate the words with a comma or with a space?
// Or, on the linux terminal you can use: openssl rand -base64 n
// Where n = the number of characters you wish to randomly generate. Which are then converted to base64, therefore the amount of characters ends up being more than n.

var array_sha512 = [];

fun_SHA512_array(str_entropy).then(array_sha512 => {
    var obj_new_account = api.generateAddress({"entropy": array_sha512});
    var str_secret = obj_new_account.secret;
    var str_public_address = obj_new_account.address;


记住,熵就像一颗种子,总是会产生相同的 secretaddress.