在 C++ main() 执行之前处理 Mac OS X 文件打开事件

Handling Mac OS X file open event BEFORE C++ main() executes

因此,我正在将一个复杂的 Qt5 应用程序(某些网络服务的客户端)移植到 Mac OS X(10.7.0 "Lion" 及更高版本)。

我需要处理自定义文件 *.xyz 和自定义 URL 方案 xyz://.
好的,Qt5 有 QFileOpenEvent class 来处理 OS X 适当的事件。



int main(int argc, char[]* argv)
     QApplication app( argc, argv );

     QStringList arguments = app.arguments();
     if( arguments.count() == argc ) arguments.removeFirst();

     Logic appLogic( NULL, &app );
     app.installMessageHandler( &appLogic );

     // The problem:
     // **This function will always called earlier than the any event**
     if( ! appLogic.start( arguments ) ) return 0;

     // Start processing of events
     // Only after this call Logic class get the desired event
     return app.exec();

有没有办法在 C++ main 函数启动之前获取 OS X' 文件打开事件 ,或者获取 "my" argv参数中的file/url?
也许,一些 Objective-C 黑魔法可以做到这一点?

注意:start 做很多复杂的和异步的事情。事件在执行期间到达,因此当异步的东西已经在工作时很难处理它。所以看起来我只需要阻止 start 执行,如果事件会到达。


我找到了一个可能很奇怪的解决方案 - 使用 Qt 的事件系统。

int main(int argc, char[]* argv)
    QApplication app( argc, argv );

    QStringList arguments = app.arguments();
    if( arguments.count() == argc ) arguments.removeFirst();

    Logic appLogic( NULL, &app );
    #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    app.installMessageHandler( &appLogic );

    // Here we should alreasy get FileOpenEvent, if it occurs
    // NOTE: without this FileOpenEvent will arrive LATER
    //       than the DryRunEvent!

    // If there is no file open event in the queue,
    // we should just open the blank program window
    // NOTE: Qt takes ownership of this event object,
    //       so you should not delete it manually
    DryRunEvent* runEv = new DryRunEvent( p );
    a.postEvent( &l, runEv, Qt::LowEventPriority );


    #ifndef Q_OS_MAC
    if( ! appLogic.start( arguments ) ) return 0;

    return app.exec();


class BaseEvent : public QEvent
    BaseEvent( QEvent::Type& eType ) : QEvent( getEventType( eType ) )

    ~BaseEvent() {}

    QEvent::Type getEventType( QEvent::Type& eType )
        if( eType == QEvent::None )
            eType = static_cast<QEvent::Type>( QEvent::registerEventType() );
        return eType;

class DryRunEvent : public BaseEvent
    QStringList m_params;

         DryRunEvent( const Parameters& params ) :
             BaseEvent( eventType ), m_params( params )


         QStringList GetCmdLineParams() const { return m_params; }

        static QEvent::Type eventType;


QEvent::Type ViewerDryRunEvent::eventType = QEvent::None;


class Logic : public QObject
    Q_DISABLE_COPY( Logic )

        explicit Logic(QObject *parent, QApplication* application);
        virtual ~Logic();

    public slots:
        bool Start( QStringList parameters );
        void ReceiveParameters( QStringList parameters );
        void Stop();

        #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
        bool Logic::WasStarted() const
            ... Determine wether logic was started or not ...

        #ifdef OS_MACOSX
        // Virtual overrided functions
         bool eventFilter( QObject* obj, QEvent* event )
             if( event->type() == QEvent::FileOpen )
                 QFileOpenEvent* fileEvent = static_cast< QFileOpenEvent* >(event);
                 Q_ASSERT( fileEvent != NULL );

                 QString uri;
                 if( fileEvent->file().isEmpty() == false )
                     uri = fileEvent->file();
                 else if( fileEvent->url().isEmpty() == false )
                     uri = fileEvent->url().toString();

                 if( uri.isEmpty() == false )
                     if( WasStarted() ) ReceiveParameters( uri );
                     else Start( uri );

                 return false;
             else if( event->type() == DryRunEvent::eventType )
                 DryRunEvent* myEvent = static_cast< DryRunEvent* >( event );
                 Q_ASSERT( myEvent != NULL );
                 QStringList cmdLineParams = myEvent->GetCmdLineParams();

                 Q_ASSERT( !WasStarted() );
                 if( WasStarted() ) return false;

                 if( !Start( cmdLineParams ) ) m_application->exit( 0 );
                 return false;

             // Standard event processing
             return QObject::eventFilter( obj, event );

我希望有人觉得这些东西有用 :)