从备份恢复 iPhone 时,Keychain 会发生什么情况?

What happens to Keychain when iPhone is restored from backup?

如果备份 iOS 设备 A 并从 的备份恢复 设备 B ]Device A,你会不会也恢复Device A中Keychain的数据?或不?

这取决于钥匙串项在设备 A 上的存储方式。 每个应用程序都可以决定是将其项目恢复到任何设备,还是仅恢复到原始设备。 见 Key Chain Concepts:

The second dimension of item accessibility determines whether the item migrates to a new device when a backup is restored. If the item’s kSecAttrAccessible attributes ends with the string ThisDeviceOnly, the item is restored to the same device that created a backup, but it is not migrated to a new device when restoring another device’s backup data.